Arcpy list feature classes. mapping import …
While you wait for 10.
Arcpy list feature classes Walk( workspace, datatype = 'FeatureClass', type = 'Polygon'): for dirname in dirnames: arcpy. arcpy. For example in folder "A" I have 20 folders and in each folder i have 3 geadatabases. If I change the name of the feature class, the python script adds the feature class name to the list. ListDatasets('','feature') + ['']: for fc in Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. shp" #folderToExamine = r"C:\MGIS Iterate over the workspaces and list their feature classes for ws is listWS: arcpy. if your feature class is called "Line3" the output buffer feature class would be called "Line3_buffer" Using the codes mentioned here Listing feature classes in multiple geodatabases in folder using ArcPy? i was able to list all the feature_classes in multiple geodatabases within a folder. ListFeatureClasses() filtered = fnmatch. Accessing Feature Layers. ListDatasets('*','Feature') for dataset in datasetList: arcpy. ListFeatureClasses. workspace value: import csv, arcpy, os from arcpy import env path_ = r"I:\J_Prashant's External HD\High Speed Rail\Task from Greg Campbell\Layers\HST_BP_GIS_Data. endswith('. import arcpy dir = r'D:\output' arcpy. Set the wildcard parameter to the name of the field you are searching for (e. workspace = "c:/base/gdb. import arcpy, os from collections import defaultdict arcpy. I am trying to use arcpy to create a feature class with all the information from the list, with the proper field names from the list of field names. This tool creates only simple feature classes such as point, multipoint, polygon, and polyline. ListFiles() Returns a list of I would like to check in one geodatabase and list the feature classes that are in it; check another geodatabsae for the list of feature classes, if they do not exist in the 2nd geodatabase then execute feature class to feature class. Puts any FeatureDataset name first, then FC name: FDatasetName\FeatureClassName. aprx'): projects. I am trying to create a new script with a hard-coded geodatabase filename, that lists the feature classes it contains to the console. Sort this feature class by HWY_NUM and replace OSRS_ORN_NER by the sorted one. UPDATE: At 10. walk(project_folder): #Find all aprx files in projects_folder for file in files: if file. join('in_memory', fc) arcpy. I have used this script in the past which works for . Discussion The workspace environment must be set before using several of the list functions, including ListDatasets , ListFeatureClasses , ListFiles , ListRasters , ListTables , and ListWorkspaces . FIDSet for both performance and functional reasons. Problem is i don't know how to save the print results to a csv file. gdb" arcpy. join(root, file)) for proj in projects: #For each project file The arcpy. ListDatasets Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. gdb\feature_name not D:\Folders\Database. Would it best to use count or arcpy. arcpy-1400+ gp tools-eg. gdb), including inside feature datasets? The standard example only lists feature classes at Learn how to use ListFeatureClasses function to return a list of feature classes in a workspace that match a wildcard and a feature type. gdb\Dataset\feature_name). The ListFeatureClasses() function returns a list of feature classes in the current workspace. e. 1 if you still wanted to do this you could try a script similar to this. The layer names within the map document have been changed from the original feature class, so listlayers does not give me an accurate description of the actual feature classes in use. I have used the arcpy. Copy shapefiles to a geodatabase. workspace = gdb #--change working directory to each GDB in list It looks like you are trying to find all map projects and print all layers in each to a csv file? Try this: import arcpy, os, csv project_folder = r'C:\GIS\ArcGIS_Pro_projects' output_csv_folder = r'C:\GIS\temp' projects = [] for root, folder, files in os. SearchCursor(fc Finally, len() is used to count the number of files in the feature_classes = [] list. There is about 10 feature classes in the geodatabase but like I said just need certain ones. Buffer. Describe(t) rcs = desc Listing and finding data sets is best accomplished using Walk - ArcGIS Pro | Documentation. Feature layer collection items are available as content in the GIS. Finally, itertools flattens the list so that all of the # Get the spatial reference of the Feature Class from folder A # Examine all Feature Classes in folder B and report if their # spatial references match the Feature Class in folder A import arcpy arcpy. tn Utility Network arcpy. import os import arcpy # Set the workspace for ListFeatureClasses arcpy. import arcpy from arcpy import env env. ListFeatureClasses does exactly this given an input workspace (e. ListFeatureclasses(conn) for fc in fclist: print(fc) This took about 7 minutes for me to list 154 feature Loop through all feature classes and first add a field, then write the name of the feature class into the added field. workspace = List Feature Classes is great but only lists the FCs at the root level of your geodatabase. gdb\fds" feature_classes = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in You can easily access geodatabases and featureclasses with fiona and glob using a couple lines of code. If one does then just skip. When I run the python script it does not include this feature class in the list. Hi CC, ListFeatureClasses has an optional wildcard parameter I think you could use. When I set the environment on the second GDB, I lose access to the feature classes in the first GDB. Diskussion The workspace environment must be set before using several of the list functions, including ListDatasets , ListFeatureClasses , ListFiles , ListRasters , ListTables , and ListWorkspaces . See examples, parameters, and tips for working with Learn how to use arcpy to list all feature classes, features, tables and fields in geodatabases. Here's how to use Walk for your script: workspace = r "Path\xyz. gdb" datasets = arcpy. gis import GIS from arcgis. ListDatasets('', 'feature'): for fc in arcpy. You can test for returning something using if featureclasses: . Code sample is: ws = r'Database Connections\\Connection to sde-srv. sde connection file) periodically. I'm trying to get a list of feature classes in a folder and it's subfolders. import acrpy arcpy. walk, and doesn't rely on setting workspace environments, which is both slow and prone to mistakes. Calling layer. workspace = gdb print 'Processing ', arcpy. Arcpy Copy Feature Classes with Overwrite to Usage. This example is a simplified version of what I need. ListFeatureClasses()? Try to add the path to the name of each dataset when you establish the env. workspace = "C:\\data\\St_Lucia. Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. filter(fcs, '*copy') # Delete So I was starting to get back into using arcpy after a non-GIS hiatus and wanted to get a list of feature classes in SDE. Walk module with keyword "Any" and with each datatype mentioned; no success yet. For example, if describing a geodatabase feature class, you can access properties from the Geodatabase Feature Class, Feature Class, Table, and Dataset property groups. Otherwise, listing the feature classes in a file geodatabase is straight forward with Walk (arcpy. the question is that how can i list the feature classes of the geodatabases using Arcpy. workspace = r'D:\Data. The code (Python 3) from their example: import arcpy import os arcpy. Only use the ListSubtypes function when there is a subtype field set on the table or feature class. Is there a way to get acces tblsInMemory = arcpy. I'm trying to use arcpy. workspace = os. da (for data access) You want to filter the feature classes during the walk statement. mapping import WebMap import arcpy You could use something like this code to determine what domain is used by what field in a feature class. Copy. arcpy. topographic Trace Network arcpy. Returns a Python List that will contain the names of the feature classes under the If you're asking about Esri geodatabases, arcpy. Discussion. ) A dictionary might be better, but this should work? Basically, list all feature classes in the staging gdb, then compare that list to the list of feature classes in the master gdb and delete the ones in the master gdb with the same name as one in the staging gdb. da):. management. The dataset which this feature was originally in is not returned with the above code. The code that I have now prints each feature class and feature data set; but does not denote whether if the object printed is a feature class or feature data set. workspace = "C:/Data" I would like to get a list of feature classes in multiple GDBs. I need to spatial join only certain feature class with specific names but I am not sure how to pass the list of feature class on arcpy. If you wish to display the list of feature classes alphabetically in Python just call the sort method on the list of feature classes datasetList = arcpy. schema. env. Walk function from ArcGIS 10. ListWorkspaces('*','FileGDB') for gdb in gdbList: arcpy. String: maximumGeneratedErrorCount Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. It only contains the path up to the gdb and then appends the feature class name to it (e. Merge all the feature classes from 1. ListTables() If you want to guarantee that you're only grabbing the intended feature classes and that all of them are there, you could do this instead: fcsOut = list() for fc in fcs: fcOut = os. sde" fcs = [] walk = arcpy. ListDatasets(feature_type='feature') datasets = [''] + datasets if datasets is not None else So I am trying to create an excel document that list all of my feature services / feature collections and what specific maps they are in, so far I have this, but from arcgis. As I want the FC to be a point layer, I thought about using add XY event layer, however there seems to be no option for adding a field list and my x,y coordinates are in a tuple instead of I would also like to identify whether the dataset that is being printed is a feature class or feature dataset. Clip_analysis(fc, Buffer, fcOut) fcsOut. for fc in use arcpy. Aspect-general utilities-describe data properties-list data-data access (table, feature, raster)-operators-modules containing related functionality-arcpy. import arcpy from arcpy import env import os # Set the workspace for the ListFeatureClass function env. env. format(fc) which will add your feature class name from fc in front of the _buffer text e. So I am trying to create an excel document that list all of my feature services / feature collections and what specific maps they are in, so from arcgis. . ListFeatureClasses() provides a list of all the feature classes in the current workspace (which you can get or set using arcpy. This is inconvenient because I have to set env. If there is no subtype field set in the input, a dictionary will be returned with a single subtype key of 0 (in addition, the Default key value will be True, the Name key value will be the name of the feature class or table, and the SubtypeField key value will be an empty string). Rather, you will need to use ArcObjects. aprx'): The list containing feature class names is returned from the function, limited by the optional wild card, feature type, and feature dataset arguments. the geodatabase apart from "Building" So I expanded the code a bit and try to loop the merge command through all these feature class: import arcpy import os #----- #example list workspace arcpy. ListTables() functions with the optional wildcard parameter. On the This will create a comma separated list containing the geodatabase name, the feature class name, and number of features within the feature classes. import arcpy #Set workspace environment to geodatabase arcpy. Specifying search conditions (wildcard) and a feature type limits the results. The following code when run only gives me access to the feature_type="Point" Discussion. workspace = "c:/base" # Use the ListFeatureClasses function to return a list of Here's a little piece of code to check for relationship class names greater than length 30: arcpy. sfa Territory Design arcpy. ListFields(FC) #Loop through fields for field in fields: #Check if field has domain I have a geodatabase with thousands of grid features. ). g. da. ListFiles If you navigate to the feature class in question in the catalog window of ArcMap or in ArcCatalog, the "Location:" field should contain the valid full path for the feature class that you can copy and paste into your script. gdb" out_table = "checkGeometryResult" # A variable that will hold the list of all the feature classes # in the geodatabase fc_list = [] # Identify all feature classes in the geodatabase for path I can access the map document through arcpy. See examples of how to filter, select and iterate through geodatabases using List feature classes in a workspace. listlayers() is used within in a list comprehension to iterate through all the featureclasses in each geodatabase with the "AOI" condition. import arcpy ws = "C:\\data\\water. Keep the following in mind when using the Feature Set object:. ListFeatureClasses() and arcpy. workspace = "c:/base" # Use the ListFeatureClasses function to I'm working with SDE connection and want to find if a layer exists on a server. and i would like to exclude the featureclasses where the FeatureClasseName starts with a certain This can be accomplished using the functions of ArcPy to list and describe datasets. The returned list can be limited with search criteria for name and field type and will contain Field objects. Merge feature classes in feature datasets using ArcPy? 1. I've included a screenshot of the GDB, so you can see why I required startswith and endswith. I want to delete selected feature classes using filtered list. ArcPy DA Walk mimics the behavior of Python's os. See What is a feature service? for more details. See the syntax, parameters, return value, Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. workspace = 'C:/workspace' # Local variables tables = arcpy. gdb" # variables: fcs = arcpy. na. 限制返回的结果。如果未指定某一值,则返回所有值。通配符不区分大小写。 Same general idea though, if there are feature datasets, you need to set your working directory to that dataset before listing the features within. path. Any help on how to loop through the subfolders is appreciated. getSelectionSet() is better than calling describe. sa. workspace = path_ datasetList = arcpy. split method if you want to utilize a list of feature classes using python. A Python list containing the names of the feature classes participating in the topology. See code samples and Learn how to use the ListFeatureClasses function to return a list of feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. 1. The Geodatabases are in many nested folders. # Import modules import arcpy import os # The geodatabase in which the feature classes will be checked arcpy. See syntax, parameter From python how can I build a list of all feature classes in a file geodatabase (*. I'm trying to run a Python script to merge all polygon features in a single file geodatabase but my ListFeatureClasses function doesn't appear to be returning any FC names! See attached with screen shots and code import arcpy import os # This will be the list of polygon features to merge listFC = How do you check if a feature class is empty and if it's empty append features to that feature class, if it's not not empty it would just pass or ignore the append. da. 1 service pack 1, this can be more easily achieved using arcpy. Standard Feature Analysis arcpy. UpdateCursor(feature_class) srows = Extending the @BERA's answer, I had to make some changes as I needed to merge based on the class (i. fcs = arcpy. The following function (recursive_list_fcs) will return a list of all feature classes that fall under the input workspace, including those not seen by the file system such as in a file geodatabase. g, relationship classes, tables, feature classes, including the feature classes within Feature Datasets) in an enterprise database in each schema (. def listFcsInGDB(gdb): ''' list all Feature Classes in a geodatabase, including inside Feature Datasets ''' arcpy. SearchCursor(FcLyr, "SHAPE@")as cursor: for row in cursor: Note: This topic was updated for 9. mxd but recently I have started using ArcGIS Pro which has another extension file. ListWorkspaces() to see how to restrict your list to certain types of workspaces or using a wildcard. ListFeatureClasses() #Loop through feature classes in list for FC in FCs: #List fields in feature class fields = arcpy. I have another nearly identical gdb that does not have this I'm new in python scripting and try to list polyline feature classes of multiple Geodatabases. ListFeatureClasses() Returns a list of files arcpy. workspace = r"D:\_StuData\GIS\Projects\PersonalProjects\Product\test. import arcpy import os workspace = r"C:\Users\OWNER\Documents\ArcGIS\Default. ListFeatureClasses() for fc in listFC: # do something See the Help page for arcpy. (Definitely test this before you commit to it; I did not test it. workspace = your_gdb #Get list of feature classes in geodatabase FCs = arcpy. I can merge feature classes within a file geodatabase without having issues by creating a list of the feature classes and using Merge_management. workspace = r"C:\Temp\Default2. analysis. env I am trying to build a script that will iterate through each feature class while capturing the last record per the required query. This is not my data, so I cannot change the name of the feature class in production. workspace = "c:/base" # Use the ListFeatureClasses function to Returns a list of the feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. The trouble comes when I need to do the same for feature classes contained in feature datasets. Lists all feature classes from the selected workspace. FeraureClasseName. Returns a list of fields in a feature class, shapefile, or table in a specified dataset. It doesn't require any arguments unless you want to filter the results with a wildcard, a feature type, or a particular geodatabase feature dataset. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in arcpy. mapping import While you wait for 10. workspace = ws listFC = arcpy. I want to create a Python dictionary with a Feature class as the key and the fields of the feature class and domains of the feature class as separate values. The Feature Class Location parameter value (geodatabase or folder) must already exist. # List People and Feature C The list containing feature class names is returned from the function, limited by the optional wild_card, feature_type, and feature_dataset arguments. You want to use the walk method on top of using the os. SearchCursor? with arcpy. A feature layer collection is backed by a feature service in a web GIS. gdb" feature_classes = [] walk = arcpy. 1 SP1 allows you to do this. It appears this question is about listing all the feature classes in a geodatabase, both stand-alone and those When I do this, the "catalogPath" returned is not the full path. import arcpy import os in_workspace = r"C:\your\path" out_workspace = r"C:\your\path2\temp. gdb" env import arcpy, os, csv project_folder = r'C:\GIS\ArcGIS_Pro_projects' output_csv_folder = r'C:\GIS\temp' projects = [] for root, folder, files in os. Describe, which returns the same information but as a dictionary. append(os. mapping and list all of the layers, but I am having a difficult time listing the feature classes that are being used. ListFeatureClasses to create a loop through all of the feature classes for each class, call Make Feature Layer, creating a layer with the same name as the feature class call Select By Attributes and pass in a where clause that will find your edits (hopefully this is the same query across all feature classes) A feature layer collection is a collection of feature layers and tables, with the associated relationships among the entities. import os import arcpy # Set the workspace for the ListFeatureClass function arcpy. append(fcOut) Thank you fot you answer, i actually forgot to mention that it's an enterprise database, so all the feature classes are prefixed by the name of the database and also the name of the schema; giving something like this : databasename. Many data types include properties from other property groups. The ID field is not created when you provide a Template Dataset parameter value. ListFeatureClasses() for multiple workspaces within the same script. gdb" env. sde' # second option to access connection file, same I am using arcpy and I want to extract a specific feature class called "building" nested in a number of geodatabase within my workspace. gdb' #Change output_gdb This will list all of the feature classes. I haven't had a chance to really test this out yet. Iterate over the workspaces and list their feature classes for ws is listWS: arcpy. ListFeatureClasses() #If there is only one, append it if len(fcs) == 1: feature_classes note that your feature class list should contain text, because you cannot convert your object names to string (from what I know). This will not alter the data within the geodatabases in any way. geodatabase connection). Feature classes are some of the most commonly used GIS dataset types. The workspace must be specified before using any of the List methods except ListFields and ListIndexes. import arcpy walk = Learn how to use the ListFeatureClasses function to list the feature classes in a workspace, limited by name, feature type, and feature dataset. Looking through other example scripts, I thought I could simply assign I am trying to work out how to list all feature classes in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Pro files. workspace fcs = [] for fds in arcpy. This will return a list of feature classes or tables that have at least one field with a Data Type: Explanation: String: A list containing dataset names returned from the function, limited by the wildcard and feature type arguments. td Topographic Production arcpy. I know there are several ways to do this, but I decided to to use . workspace on each one in order to use ListFeatureClasses(). In this example, glob is used to list all of the geodatabases in a directory dir. More details here. conversion. ListFeatureClasses() features = {} for fc in fcs: cursor = arcpy. Using the FeatureSet object as input to a tool or function that modifies the input, such as Calculate Field or UpdateCursor, will modify the original feature class. workspace = dir gdbList = arcpy. Walk. it returns D:\Folders\Database. Easy enough, you'd think: import arcpy from arcpy import env. fiona. ListDatasets() Returns a list of feature classes arcpy. This is the code I have for that so far: You can iterate through all the feature datasets within a file geodatabase (or SDE) with the following: fcList = [] for fds in arcpy. I've tried iterating through the feature classes, but after spinning for a while the script keeps returning AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' when I try to list the feature classes. I would like to generate a list of all the data sets (e. As I want the FC to be a point layer, I thought about using add XY event layer, however there seems to be no option for adding a field list and my x,y coordinates are in a tuple instead of individual list positions for indexing. The load method will only In ArcGIS Pro, comparing the differences between two feature classes and returning the differences in the field structure, such as listing missing fields, ensures data quality, accuracy, import arcpy def compare_feature_classes(fc1, fc2): def get_fields_info(fc): You cannot access a file geodatabase feature class's size with arcpy. conn = r'<path_to_my_sde_connection>' fclist = arcpy. Solve. If you have feature datasets containing additional feature classes, they will be missed by list feature classes. cim (cartographic information model)-arcpy. wmx Returns a list of datasets arcpy. I am wanting access to all the feature classes in my datasets within a geodatabase. ListFields. ListTables() # Iterate through tables in file geodatabase (workspace) for t in tables: # Get relationship class(es) associated with table desc = arcpy. workspace). into one feature class called OSRS_ORN_NER. The following script walks through a workspace, create a list of every polyline, and copies the polylines to an output workspace. join(dirpath, dirname) #List feature classes in the geodatabase fcs = arcpy. The load method will only In the arcpy. The fields function returns a list of all the fields in your feature class. Below is a script that gets just the folder specified. I am having a problem with the ListFeatureClasses() function in arcpy. Just seems like I might be able to streamline the code a bitany feedback is welcome. ListFeatureClasses ("Hyrdo_FINAL_ALL_*") [0] # do something with lyr . I'm trying to dissolve and append these to a single dataset. workspace = ws domains = arcpy. Learn how to use the ListFeatureClasses function to return a list of feature classes in the current workspace, limited by name, feature type, and optional feature dataset. “name”, “*_name”, etc. so you might need to use some tricks to link your objects and your keys, but it starts with the way you name your keys and your feature classes (everything would be nice and clear if they had the same names). These functions will be illustrated using tabular data formats, shapefiles, When the loop runs, it checks each item from the list of feature classes to determine whether it is a Point feature class, and if it is, it adds one. EDIT: From a benchmark standpoint and in the interest of science, it appears that arcpy. I'm trying to merge a group of like feature classes which are contained within separate feature datasets. The function arcpy. ListFeatureClasses('','',fds): fcList. un Workflow Manager arcpy. By the way, I don't think an excel file is a valid output to TableSelect. A shapefile created by this tool has an integer field named ID. append(fc) This will attach all the feature classes to a list which you can then work with. ListFeatureClasses("RT*", "Polyline", "") for feature classes starting with RT, otherwise it will return None unless there is a feature class called RT, the wildcard is important. overwriteOutput = True #try: #set up the paths #targetFC = r"C:\MGIS\geog485\Lesson2\Lesson2\CountyLines. ListDomains(ws) # get the feature datasets datasets = arcpy. ; Loading a new feature class into a FeatureSet object will not overwrite the original feature class. # Import arcpy module import os, fnmatch, arcpy arcpy. Has anyone encountered this issue with arcpy. workspace = 'C:\\ENTER_YOUR_FILE_NAME_HERE' #create variables for your two comparisons feature_class = 'YOUR_FEATURE_CLASS_NAME' table = 'YOUR_EXCEL_TABLE' urows = arcpy. Debate The workspace environment must be set before using several of the list functions, including ListDatasets , ListFeatureClasses , ListFiles , ListRasters , ListTables , and ListWorkspaces . Buffer_analysis() set your output to be '{}_buffer'. How can this be done with Python? Here is what I have so far. You can list all feature classes and tables with a specific field name using the arcpy. TableToExcel. This list can be copied from the Python window within ArcMap and pasted into a spreadsheet. See arcpy. Also see Inventorying data. I knew, in theory - i have to create a csv file -> open it -> Append the "Print_results" to that file. If you just want to write the table to an excel spreadsheet you Whether ArcGIS Desktop/ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, the best approach for determining a selection set on a layer or table view is using the getSelectionSet() method of Layer - ArcGIS Pro | Documentation or Layer - ArcMap | Documentation. This is the order in which they are stored in the database, what you see in ArcCatalog has been sorted alphabetically to assist you in finding the proper feature class. 3. "ConservationArea") rather than the suffixes. Walk method is significantly faster than the other approach. workspace = r "[path to your workspace]" lyr = arcpy. ListDatasets(feature_type = 'Feature') # append the top level dataset datasets = [''] + Discussion. nsydivhbvrozukmrhboqyagylqsgxumevsbhiujrjtqtis