Arduino modbus with rs485. When I loaded it up, the value is always 0.
Arduino modbus with rs485 Instructions Setting up the Arduino IDE here. The data is successfully received by the Slave and returns a reply. I'm using serial #1 at 9600 baud for the Modbus comms to device #1. I am using Arduino Mega and RS485 module, Arduino will be the Master and TUF and other devices will be slaves, I chose Mega because of the possibility of multiple Serial ports, and when I tried to get the data through the oscilloscope in UNO, the value Shown on the RO had the dice Hello, I am trying to establish Modbus connection between my laptop (Dell Latitude) and my Arduino Mega board according to this loose diagram: I have watched some general Modbus information I could find on Youtube, read the Modbus protocol, and read various explanatory articles. However, I'm reaching my programming limits and look for advice in the forum. I have tryed a serial connexion between arduino and raspberry and it works correctly with this connexion mode. I am using the MAX3485 chipset with TX connected to GP4 and RX (DO) connected to GP5 (DI) , the RE/DE is connected to GP14. I keep getting the following error: "Failed, Response Code: E2" Has anyone dealt with such an hello! i am looking for some help with a project, i need to control a sensor that has a modbus communication, from the datasheet it says: *MODBUS serial communication via serial interfaces such as RS232, RS485 *MODBUS ASCII codes the data using ASC-II character set in the form of legible character chains i need to send some parametters to the sensor in codes Hello everyone, I don't have much experience with the Arduino yet and am currently trying my first bigger project. To make your life easier you can use the Arduino Modbus library which allows you to implement the Modbus protocol over two different types of transport: serial communication over RS485 with RTU or Ethernet and Wi-Fi communication using the TCP protocol. When I loaded it up, the value is always 0. Go to repository Compatibility This library is compatible with the megaavr, samd, mbed_nano, mbed_portenta, mbed_opta architectures so you should be able to use it on the following hello i am new here and i don's have much knowledge in the area of programming (arduino's or anything else) but hopefully that will change 🙂 i have come across a Thies Clima ultrasonic wind sensor, and i would very much like to get that turned into part of a weather station. Ethernet:LAN (Local Area Network) Technology RS485 is an asynchronous half-duplex serial communication protocol that See more In this tutorial, we will discuss how to interface Arduino (as master) to any Modbus RTU (RS485) based sensor (as a slave) using Arduino IDE. The code is attached. 學習如何使用 Arduino Uno 開發系統建立您自己的 Modbus RS485 主從裝置 從這 3 小時的課程,你會學到 從硬體的觀點瞭解 Arduino Uno 和 RS485 連接一個 Arduino RS485 Shield 到 Arduino Uno 連結一個 Arduino Uno 到一個日立 HD44780 液晶顯示器 Hello everyone, I need help to be able to make a connection of an rs485 sensor with Arduino. I'm trying to interface an energy meter (A9MEM2050) with an Arduino Uno using the MAX485 chip. #include <SimpleModbusMaster. Supports serial (RS-232, RS-485) and IP via Ethernet (Modbus IP). can you have an Arduino master using modbus tcp with one device and Rs485 serial with others? I have the Ethernet rev2 that I can get to communicate and send data to a Redlion G308 HMI but wanted to also setup an Rs485 communication with other Arduino using MAX485 Module (RS-485 TTL to RS485 MAX485CSA) It’s taken a huge learning curve to get Hello, For my domotics project i need to create a modbus with arduino to connect it to raspberry. The concept is that when the soil humidity is above 30 percent, the relay remains inactive; if the humidity is below 30 percent, the relay activates. This is the code used to read information from Learn: How to use Arduino Modbus library, what is Modbus, why needs Modbus, how Modbus works, how many types of Modbus, and Modbus RTU/ASCII, Modbus TCP. Serial. I've got MAX485 module (TTL to RS485) and USB -> RS485 converter. By Maurizfa (13216008) / Arthur Jogy (13216037) / Agha Maretha (13216095). After the Arduino Mega gets voltage data from each modbus slave. I need to read information from a Fronius Smart Metter TS100A-1. Aug 17, 2018 • 84851 views • 14 respects embedded remote control internet of things In this tutorial, we will show you how to use MAX485 MODBUS Serial Communication With Arduino. For this , I used ModbusRtu. 1 // 1 master 2 slave, // 1 slave : 1 input 1 output #include <ESP8266WiFi. I don't know know much about ModBus. My anemometer works in a DC 10-30V range. Note that my RS485 module doesn't use Hello everyone. However I am still unsure about the practical "how-to" of Modbus. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to connect a Modbus energy meter to the Arduino Cloud IoT using an Arduino® MKR WiFi 1010 board and an Arduino® MKR 485 Shield. I would like to connct it with my Arduino MEGA. I installed the ModBus Master library from the library manager and by using the included sample code, I set the sensor address = 5 as specified in the sensor manual. I hope someone can help me out with this. Modbus are mostly used in PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers). . Modbus Node Configuration Once you have configured your device as a Modbus Master you can attach some blocks to configure it, you can see them while you have the RS485 SerialPort on the Catalog Tile Window Modbus catalog Hi everyone, I'm newbie in this forum, this is my first post, if I have any mistake, please help me to fix it! Thanks! I'm writing new Modbus RTU library for arduino (master and slave) based on SimpleModbus. I Reading energy meter with RS485 MODBUS protocol Networking, Protocols, and Devices 1 2142 September 16, 2021 Multiple serials with Arduino Uno and Modbus package Networking, Protocols, and Devices 11 3503 May Hello forum, I've been battling with getting a modbus wind vane to send data back to a MEGA through a max485 ttl-rs485 converter. We’ll focus on using a humidity and temperature sensor that operates under the Modbus RTU protocol to simplify and enhance our understanding. I have an Arduino Uno and an Anemometer wind direction sensor. For each RS485 modbus slave I use an Arduino Nano and it will be sent to the master (Arduino Mega). exe program and the fatek fbs-cm25 converter (I can set the scan rate to 10ms) but by adding each next bus I have to increase the scan rate up to 4000ms to eliminate errors. I am sharing picture of PLC Modbus Table for understanding. It Arduino Modbus RS485 Master and Slave – In this tutorial, you will learn how to communicate between two Arduino’s using Modbus Serial Communication protocol. Because the Arduino Pro Mini is a phase-out product, I would therefore like to use an Arduino Nano Every instead of the From your screenshot, you are using an Arduino MEGA2560 board. The gateway allows you to connect What is Modbus Modbus is a request/response-based messaging protocol. I have screened many Modbus libraries, which are either specialized for certain sensors only or hard coded to use only a given RS485 shield. To open the Modbus Custom Editor window, go to Tools -> Run Modbus Custom Editor on PLC IDE. I am currently trying to read a wind sensor for my internship through a Modbus protocol they use for it. ) I am using This library implements the Modbus protocol over two different types of transport: serial communication over RS485 with RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) or Ethernet and WiFi communication with TCP protocol. com/microcontroller-projects/rs-485-modbu Hello, I'm quite new to arduino but I need to figure this out for a project: I need to read out a machine through Modbus. Hi, I am working with the TUF - 2000M and to get some data using RS485 port. In my case, I only want to send a percentage of opening of a valve, that is, In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the Modbus RTU protocol and learn how to implement it with an ESP32 to read sensor data from a slave device using RS485. We will use the Arduino nano board and the MODBUS protocol, the RS-485 is a standard for serial data communication. In the Hello, Can anyone help me with my heating rain and snow sensor? I have a sensor like the one in the picture below, but I can't find any datasheet, so I don't know how to communicate with it. I am learning ModBus and Arduino IDE, so I am still pretty new. Connect the DE and RE pins of the MAX485 to one of the Arduino digital pins (often pin 2 or 3) to control transmission and reception. We'll embark on a journey through the fundamental concepts of the Modbus protocol, navigate the intricacies of connecting an RS485 module to the ESP32, particularly the Hy! I want to thest the Modbus communication protocoll betwen two arduino based board. Each Arduino slave will use one Max485 with one LED and one button. Hardware Arduino Mega with RS485 shield ( -RS485 shield set to 5V -RS485 shield set to TX_CTRL Mega pin TX1 connected to P3 (TX) Mega pin RX1 connected to P4 (RX) RS485 shield terminal A connected to GS+ RS485 shield terminal B connected to GS- (have switched "'#include <ModbusMaster. I am using an RS485 to TTL converter, and now I'm wondering if someone has worked with that sensor and Arduino before or if someone has a datasheet to share with me. Most Arduino-based Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP/UDP gateway with a web interface. 8 KB) Thank you for your guidance To make your life easier you can use the Arduino Modbus library which allows you to implement the Modbus protocol over two different types of transport: serial communication over RS485 with RTU or Ethernet and Wi-Fi communication using the TCP protocol. This library is RTU only implementation of Modbus with a tweak to In this post, I'll talk about adding an Arduino to an RS485 network and programming it to function as a Modbus slave device. My problem is when i try to send any data from master to arduino i am getting timeouts. Background: I am using an Adafruit MAX31856 Hi to all! First time on the arduino forum and a total beginner regarding arduino modbus communication. I have maked my code using the modbus library . I am looking for simple code that I can communicate with two Arduino slaves from PC on Hi, I am a beginner in Modbus and I am just reading about this topic through the internet. RS232:serial communication protocol 2. The main device I'm using is an ESP32 connected to a UART TTL to RS485 Two-way Converter Hello. Simultaneously connected the Rx pin to another TTL to USB Hello, I have a problem with reading the ds18b20 after the modbus rtu protocol. The Data Enable and Receiver Enable pins are hooked up as follows: */ #define MAX485_DE 13 #define MAX485_RE_NEG 12 #define DEBUGON 1 // Transmission delay between modbus calls A library that allows your Arduino to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a slave (master in development). The reason why I create new library because I've tried to use SimpleModbus to communicate with my HMI screen but it reported a lot of errors. I am using Arduino Mega as a slave to communicate via Modbus Rs485 to Master PLC (Brand Name:FATEK). cc) with an attached temperature module and RS-485 module. It's possible to use an Arduino as slave (and with some restrictions also as master) in Modbus applications, but a RS485 interface is needed. How to Use Modbus with Arduino DIY Modbus slave with Arduino UNO and RS485 Shield. I connected the RS485 shield like on the picture (without servo and LCD) On the HMI I configured a toggle switch and a Bit-Led on adress 0x1 The communication doesn´t work. I have a configuration: Master (Arduino MEGA ATmega2560), 2x MAX485 module (MAX485) and 1x Slave (Arduino NANO ATmega328). I am using the PM1200 and below is my code. For using RS-485 module with microcontrollers, a module called In this MAX485 Arduino project, we will use Arduino Uno as Slave for serial communication. In the Library To set up communication between two Arduino boards using Modbus RTU and the Arduino Modbus library, first connect the two Arduino boards using an RS485 transceiver. Supports network transport (Modbus TCP) and Serial line/RS-485 (Modbus RTU). h. The circuit and the connection is ok, I tested with another package type communication and its worked. When I changed Mega 2560 with Giga R1, communication didn't function. I see Arduino IDE library has ArduinoModbus. I have bought additional components to connct it: A step-up converter to operate the device at 24V from my 5V power source (and I have confirmed it is working fine and supplying 24V) A RS485<->TTL232 RS485 Arduino uno Charger 9V (Only for soil sensor) Soil moustiure (read 7 values) Hand tools and fabrication machines: Arduino IDE The vendor provide me inquiry code: 0x01 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x07 0x04 0x08 Hello There, I'm having a difficulty on reading the Input Register values from SELEC MFM384-C Energy meter which uses Modbus protocol and RS-485 communication standard. The detail instruction, code, wiring diagram, video tutorial, line-by-line code explanation are provided to help you quickly get started with MODBUS Client Configuration for Read from Server Mode of Operation The client read operation is valid on all the server device registers (coil, holding, discrete input, and input). I've tried several software on PC (simple modbus master, Qmodmaster a few others), but i am getting greetings, I want to receive information by using Modbus Serial RTU protocol, i want to get the data from industrial sensors that cannot be simply connected to a computer but the device in charge of that sensors can speak Modbus protocol, so I want to receive that data from the sensors using a db9 rs232 adapter, that it will get for me that data, but i tested out, I still I would like to use a PC as a master and two Arduino Nano as slaves with Max485. The MAX481 ic RE and DE pin is connected to 6 and 7 pin. I used your library for this. Although Arduino supports serial communication Hi, I try to connect the Arduino Uno with a Weintek HMI using Modbus. If you are using the PH7/Breakout board you need to reconfigure to make sure that the RS485 is set to Serial1/Uart1. One Arduino will act as the Master while the other An example of a data communication protocol using RS-485 is Modbus RTU. it uses RS485 MODBUS or thies interpretation to display wind speed, direction and This library is based on libmodbus, modifications were made to the lower level RS485 and TCP layers to use Arduino Serial/RS485 and Client API’s. Previously, I set up sensors that work with this type of protocol, but they had a guide and it was written in the guide which registry should be called. Its communication protocol is RS485 and the model is PR-3000-FXJT-NO1. For more information about this data communication protocol, you can check our getting started with Modbus RTU tutorial with the Opta . this is my byte request according to the manual unsigned char byteRequest[8] = {0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x05, 0xCB}; any idea? i have tried querying the calibration command but Hey. Arduino PLC IDE - Modbus Custom Editor Configuration It is helpful to have frequently deployed device Hi, Hope you're doing well. I'm using a MAX485-based TTL to RS485 converter with the Arduino and an RS485 to USB converter to connect to PC (i'm planning to use a SoftPLC-featuring software called In this comprehensive tutorial, we will delve into the world of Modbus RTU RS485 protocol integration with the versatile ESP32 board, all within the familiar confines of Arduino IDE. This library depends on the ArduinoRS485 library. Modbus Node Configuration Once you have configured your device as a Modbus Master you can attach some blocks to configure it, you can see them while you have the RS485 SerialPort on the Catalog Tile Window Modbus catalog How to Use Modbus With Arduino: Modbus is a serial communication standard and has become a de facto standard communication protocol and is now a commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices. Then an Arduino friendly API was added on top. Do you know what library can be used for Giga R1? #include <ModbusRtu. Here is my Arduino Code. h> #include <WiFiClientSecure. This tutorial assumes you know the basics of the Arduino Hello everyone, this is my first post in Arduino Forum, and I am quite a beginner in using RS485 sensors, as I am having some trouble understanding Modbus RTU. In Modbus RTU and Modbus In Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII, RS485 is used as the physical layer. To make your life easier you can use the Arduino Modbus library which allows you to implement the Modbus protocol over two different types of transport: serial communication over RS485 with RTU or Ethernet and Wi-Fi communication RS-485 Module can be connected to any microcontroller having serial port. h> /*! We're using a MAX485-compatible RS485 Transceiver. , MAX485) to your Arduino. Sorry if I have any errors, I'm new to this forum (it's my first post 😅 ), so thank you if you have any recommendations. I am not sure if they are good or not. You’ll need a pair of RS485 transceivers Testing the Arduino UNO as Rs485 Modbus Slave After the circuit connections are completed and the code is uploaded to the Arduino UNO, its time to connect the USB to RS-485 module with the PC where the Simple Modbus It will be somewhat difficult to debug as you as using the only hardware serial port on your Arduino to communicate Modbus RTU to the drive, leaving you with none to use for serial debugging, which would help in this Hi, I have a project to monitor the battery voltage for each cell in series (36 cells, each cell 1. How to Set Up Modbus RTU with Arduino Step 1: Wiring and Hardware Setup For Modbus RTU communication:Connect an RS485 transceiver module (e. Another piece of information that may be useful is that after finding out, I think I I connected the Arduino to the RS485 adapter and then to the Wind sensor. I want some help in connecting and taking the data from the shutter box. Build your own Modbus gateway from off-the-shelf components (Arduino + ethernet shield + TTL to RS485 module). Thanks, Max `#include Hello People. #include <Arduino. The primary goal is to read temperature data from a thermocouple and send it to the HMI using Modbus communication. GP4/GP5 is Uart1. I already follow the sensor manual book but the response always return 0 for ec and ph value. 1 KB I succeed communication between arduino max485 and PLC. If it reads everything from the first data bus, everything works - it tests with the mbus. Hello guys, does anyone know a working library for the implementation of Arduino Uno and Schneider Power Meter or something similar in nature? Because I have used the SimpleModbus library and it does not give me results. For references I used the Energy Meter topic from Arduino. Hello everyone, I am currently working on a project that involves using an Arduino as a Modbus slave to communicate with an HMI (Human-Machine Interface) touchscreen display over RS485. This tutorial assumes you know the basics of the Arduino Cloud. I tryed to write on master side an holding register and on the slave side I want to read. My goal is: PC sends order via Modbus RTU RS485 to start measure Arduino measures temperature Arduino sends measured data to PC Modbus RTU is needed, because next step is to change PC into PLC, Slave Settings (Only available on slave mode) Modbus address Address of the device: from 1 to 247. arduino modbus rs485 Share Improve this question Follow edited Mar 9 at 17:32 SternK 12. After i have reconfigured, when i run my code i intially can write debug The dongle can be extremely useful when debugging Modbus (or any RS485) comms as it will let you see what data is finally i figured out using this cable rs485 usb cable image 700×562 56. Who can recommend such a library? RS485 SerialPort. h library and module RS485 max connected to Mega 2560 The sample from library function very well. 9k 34 34 gold badges 37 37 silver badges 54 54 bronze badges asked Mar 4 at 14:58 Morten Morten 1 1 1 bronze badge 4 1 RS485 communication is Did you read the Hello, I'd like to send modbus command with this library, but I don't know how to do it: GitHub - emelianov/modbus-esp8266: Most complete Modbus library for Arduino. I have read the datasheet of ATmega and used UCSR and build a program (with 8 bit data, None Parity bit and one stop bit. Here's your code modified to read 2 holding registers at address 40001 & 40002. ( Hi there, I'm planning to use an Arduino Nano as a Modbus RTU slave over RS485 so i'm looking for any clue about the best working library available for this purpose, with good examples. I will add that I am not a Hi everyone, I'm working with device with rs485, the communication protocol is Modbus Ascii and is not possible use Modbus RTU, i would like an help, how i send a frame ascii with Max rs485, anybody have a library ? I t Hello, I try to make simple Modbud RTU, RS485 comunication between Arduino Uno (Slave), that measures temperature with DS18B20 and PC (Master). I'm using a DSD TECH SH-U12 RS485 to TTL 5V Board with Slave Settings (Only available on slave mode) Modbus address Address of the device: from 1 to 247. It can not be repeated within the same Modbus net. I'm having some troubles trying to query a Modbus server with an Arduino through RS485. Its well documented that in ArduinoRS485 that the RS485 object is hardwired. Two examples of a Modbus master is implemented in python script for cyclic data pull from the sensors. Hi, im trying to read data from pH, EC sensor using rs485 modbus RTU protocol. Two MODBUS RS485 Client Read blocks are used to implement the read operation on I want to combine the code for an RS485 Modbus RTU soil sensor with single relay control using Modbus RTU. Arduino Mega will send the data via This Tutorial Guides you Step by Step on How to use RS485 MODBUS Serial Communication With Arduino. The TCP works seamlessly while I am not able to get the Modbus RTU on RS485 to work. g. Rx/Tx is hooked up to the hardware serial port at 'Serial'. Check out the detailed tutorial on RS-485 MODBUS Serial Communication with Arduino as Master: https://circuitdigest. I purchased a sensor that works with the RS485 ModbusRTU protocol. The reply reaches the RX pin (D0) but the Serial. Dear experts, I have bought an anemometer from China with RS485/MODBUS interface (named 3001-FS). Sensor data sheet: digital sensors_en. There are different types of physical media and they are: 1. I am looking for a general Modbus Master library that provides the plain Modbus messages and can easily be configured to use any Serial for transmission. I can see the MEGA's TTL signal going into the MAX485 chip, but nothing coming back. Using TCP or RS485 shields, like the MKR 485 Shield. h> # Hey guys, so I am trying to get temp values out of a SOLO 4848 temp controller via Modbus RS-485. My registers is correctly implemeted and i can view it with modbus tester on my programming PC. The whole system will be connected to the shutter box ( which is like integrating all the sensors and taking it's data). The setting is as follows: I have a pressure sensor from Keller and want to read it digitally via RS485 with the Arduino Mega. Example code to Control Multiple Sensors, Device Reasons to use RS-485 Long-distance communication: RS-485 is developed for communication over long distances up to 4000 feet or 1200 meters without loss of data. I used the ArduinoModBus library but I cannot seem to make it work with ModPoll. I have my Arduino Uno connected using a MAX485 RS485 to TTL serial converter which I have connected using a USB with RS485 converter. I ordered some of the sensors from the JXCT wind direction sensor, wind speed sensor, solar radiation sensor and evaporation sensor. Learn how to send/receive data via RS485 using Arduino, how to program Arduino step by step. RS485:serial communication protocol 3. And apart from this, the Modbus is also used in Healthcare, This library implements the Modbus protocol over two different types of DIY Modbus slave with Arduino UNO and RS485 Shield. ), I am sending and receiving data to a Modbus slave using main Serial port of Arduino uno through TTL RS 485 converters. Read() returns only Zeros. Let me first describe the system. Moreover, I am using TTL to 485 module with following pinout RS485 module----- Schne I am using the RP2040 pico pi with Arduino, on the board I have implemented Modbus TCP and RTU. Now I want to use modbus. My PLC Does not accept address less than Six Digits. pdf (685. arduino. I have a Metro adafruit (similar to Arduino Uno) with an ATmega328 processor. I've got a project, where I want to use my Arduino Uno as a slave and PC as RS485 Master. The MAX RS485 module is available and The sensor nodes are based on [Arduino] (https://www. Anyways, it should be as simple as possible and I don't need really anything else connected, I just want this working first. Arduino ArduinoModbus Communication Use Modbus equipment with your Arduino. RS422:serial communication protocol 4. The wiring is like on the attached picture (wiring_01), but with MEGA and NANO instead UNO and i only have 1 slave I am trying to read holding registers from a Schneider PowerLogic PM5650 using Arduino. A library that allows your Arduino board to communicate via Modbus protocol, acting as a master, slave or both. h> In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to connect a Modbus energy meter to the Arduino Cloud IoT using an Arduino® MKR WiFi 1010 board and an Arduino® MKR 485 Shield. While the messaging sits at the application layer of the OSI model, the physical interface being used can be Serial (UART, RS-485, RS-232, etc. How an Arduino can Speak over an RS485 First, let’s talk about Arduino and RS485. Hi all, I'm trying to integrate a Pyranometer (Apogee SP-522) that transmits data using Modbus onto an MKR1010 with MKR 485 Shield The Shield is placed on top of the MKR 1010 and here is the schematic for the current circuit that is connected The Dip Switches on the shield are set to AB - On, Half Duplex, YZ - Off. I have chosen the MKR wifi 1010, the Shield MKR RS485 and the Arduino cloud. Firstly I would like to thank everyone for taking I have a question if anyone would be willing to help me. h> //#include Here is the code for the master and each slave. Hi All I am attempting implement ArduinoModbus on my STM32 Poternta H7 using the breakout board. Communication I am using is RS485. available() is always Zero. 4V), after that each voltage data will be sent using an RS485 module. I've already succeeded in querying a software Modbus server running on my PC through the USB/COM port using the ModbusMaster libray, hence it shouldn't be a software issue. I am trying to communicate a Kinco HMI (GL070E) with an arduino NANO using the Modbus RTU/RS-485 protocol and a MAX 485 converter module. MASTER (Code 1) // arduino mega master testing code // modbus RS485 read and write register // V1. If I just send We implement RS-485 protocol in communication between two Arduinos using MAX485 module. Hello all, I am trying to control a GS1 VFD (variable frequency drive) via the modbus port. h> // data array for Hi everyone, I am starting to lose hope and would very much appreciate any help! I am using an automation direct solo SL4845-RR Temperature controller and would like to read data from it, just a simple Hello everybody, I have made a Modbus connection to a Siemens CPU1212C DC / DC / DC with an Arduino Pro Mini and the following UART-TTL to RS485 converter and I can send and receive the desired registers with the following program. I want to start it with Arduino, but there is no guide with the sensor. There are a few differences in the APIs depending on the Arduino Modbus 讀取與寫入範例 由 台灣智能感測科技 模組技術文件 讀取多個並寫入多個 Modbus master (0, 0, 7); // this is master and RS-232 or USB-FTDI /// 7 = PIN ENEABLE rs485 /** * This is an structe which contains a query to an slave device */ _ t . dgngk jylwq srxu opfz gyewy mxkk bggm ljexzju zytcru kjju