Karthus scaling reddit At full build he does 1k damage to 5 people in the middle of a teamfight ? Who else scales like… Lower than that you can probably get away with free farming and scaling because people don't know how to run away from your passive later in the game. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. During those 5 seconds, a Karthus can hit his Q 5 times, get 5 ticks from his E, and land a wall for 15% mr shred , which basically equates to 15% extra damage. in fact, hyper scaling champions often have deceptively high damage even in the early game like karthus, vladimir, or vayne. I picked up Karthus as a giga-range apc who can out scale and outpoke the likes of caitlyn and other jhins. 7% better winrate than win traditional q max Not saying it's best to max in this order every game, just thought this was interesting and decided to share Only picks that outscale him tend to have favorable winrate against him, those picks tend to have great teamfight potential and benefit from Karthus dying early on the fight (Kindred, VelBeth, Briar), Shaco can camp and kill Karthus on CD but Shaco won't do much in the late game, even if Shaco manages to kill Karthus he only gets 300 gold from Xerath support, dominated lane, our toplaner won his laning phase too doesn't matter cuz Karthus presses R on cooldown and mundo scaling doesn't make sense t(h)anks riot Everything other than jungle has a <1% playrate for karthus. 55s, can 1v1 you without any problem, have big scaling, big gank/countergank, can take exausht inside of flash cause ability slow of 80% . Conditional crits like Karthus and Anivia have would be neat. This is coming from someone who has conveniently played a lot of graves, karthus, kayn, and nocturne. Therefore he has some scaling potential. In practice, Karthus, because he builds heavier into AP than Sylas. gg/DDh5hHv Karthus is a terrible jungler throughout most of the game and the absolute only reason he should ever be picked is BECAUSE he is the best scaling AP mage in the jungle. He's also not too hot at teamfights and your scaling won't really matter if your teammates are sufficiently bad and the enemies are sufficiently fed that they can simply send 2 guys at you to stall you while your Zyra is desperately trying to stop their Soraka from bursting down your Yasuo. Since karthus is a scaling jungler, the enemy jungler can just spam gank and get his laners ahead which usually ends the game early before karthus can scale for his items. Not even too long ago I'd be building both Rod of Ages and Archangel's staff, but since CDR items for mages were changed, double scaling on Karthus has taken too long and provided a subpar powerspike for the gold put into it. Much better options are champs that can stick on Karthus and have mobility to punish him. After the Rod of Ages you will want to get a void staff and a Zhonyas, then keep adding items like Rabadons, Liandrys, Rylais. Upon use, he will start channeling for 3 seconds, and after that, he'll deal damage to all enemy champions, regardless of their location on the map. Kayle. Karthus top seems like to just kind of forces your comp to be weird. Annie scale ultra hard in mid game, when most games end, and taper off a bit in the super super late game but still super strong. I think karthus is the best scaling mage in the game. He scales well because he can flash in the middle of the enemy team, do loads of damage to the entire enemy team with his E on, then die and press R to do a free 700-1000 damage on every player on the enemy team. For those of you who don’t know, Karthus Q has isolated damage. Reply The problem is that the scaling champion scales well even if he dies non stop. It just takes a lot of games to master him. This ability has great base damage and pretty good AP scaling, so late game, pressing this button can significantly impact squishy enemies. Itemizzation: bad ap scaling, but insane base dmg, you build every mag pen item: lyandry, sorcerer shoes, void staff. Using it at the start of a fight is just an automatic win. Intro. Onyx Greatsword is pretty meaty, buffed (even though nerds will complain the buff is Fire and not Dark, it still outperforms Moonlight and Claymore/Bast Welcome to the official Ornn Mains subreddit! If you are looking for all things Ornn related then you have come to the right place! Feel free to join our Community Discord! Karthus is one of the best scaling AP threats. Only downside is the long cooldown and scaling, as you say, but that doesn't mean the champ isn't balanced. His scaling is thru the roof and needs to be nerf, he can go 0/16 in lane and just oneshot anyone and anything with true dmg and 100% ap scaling when he gets his mejais. Karthus is in a weird state where it's really difficult to balance him. however, people generally overestimate the damage it deals in the early game by a LOT. ) Global pressure: Karthus Good skirmish and dueling potential: Aatrox, Illaoi, Jayce Karthus also doesn’t scale particularly well with levels as he scales more with gold than he does with levels even compared to marksmen since Karthus doesn’t give a shit about his AD/AS. Viktor peaks at 25-30 and stays about the same, Anivia's gets significantly worse the longer the game goes, and Ryze's graph is kinda weird . Karthus, Kindred and Taliyah are ones that immediately come to mind. Main difference is the late game scaling. I've tried a bunch of champions, Amumu and Karthus are ones I play the most (sometimes Ivern as well). Many players would choose to get close to Karthus trying to kill him without landing abilities accurately whilst Karthus can take the time to spam his Q and E. Gwen into super long range comps will scale much worse, master yi into heavy cc comps scales much worse as examples. This is why I stopped playing karthus jungle and now exclusively play him bot. 1 Karthus's ultimate is probably the best ultimate in the game. Karthus needs 400 AP to double his Q damage. ive always had a good time playing against melee in top or midlane, so if enemy team opt to play a melee botlane karthus would . He will be weak mid game (compared to most of the other junglers), especially if you fall behind. The buff to scaling on q is nice, but mana cost reduction is a very minor thing imo. I have also attached some gameplay from one of my first ever games on Karthus in Arena. Kayn would be more similar to Karthus in terms of the afk farm and scale for late game. Amumu have very high win rate just as most games end, then falls of in super super late game. However last stand, like many people mentioned here, can be used during karthus passive, which is literally his most important kit along with ult and can be used at low health during zhonyas. Posted by u/Laws_No_Fumo - No votes and 12 comments Karthus does not scale well due to long range. Wall on your feet if they dive you and just pelt them. Contrary to popular belief he doesn't scale well. First clear no buffs which is hard because you need to spam q but possible. If kayle gets camped and dies 24/7 her game is over before shes op. Yeah it's cringe but a tankier team fight focused karthus doesn't mind jumping in the fight, landing e on everyone and dying. The thing is, Riot thinks Karthus jungle is toxic to the game, because for some reason farming until lv 16 to try to carry, being an immobile mage reliant on landing Qs properly, lacking any real CC, suffering with invades all the time and being squishy as What champs have a good full clear (Prefer AOE) and decent scaling? Want champs that are usually strong, but don't get pick/ban at ungodly rates. He also still has his reliance on blue. How do I know if its worth inting for a play? For example, if I can kill both bot laners, eg. super scaling champions can very easily stomp lane. Some swear that full AP is… Then they could release a crit damage/AP item and introduce a new scaling factor for mages. R: karthus r is one of the best abilities in the game imo. karthus ??? How guys do you play vs this broken champ who can clear in 2. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. In fact, most karthus adcs usually have terrible kd ratios yet they still end up doing a billion damage late game because they have 2 items. Scaling just means they are better later into the game than early, and that can be for various reasons. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc. Leona doesn’t drag the enemy closer so if she E’s the enemy from farther range, it’ll take longer for Karthus to catch up compared to Nautilus. Why CDR and Morello/Athene sucks on Why not zhonias? Its a decent item for karthus overal, since it now gives 80 ap, and it gives you 2. A 1st-timer on an early game champ will still have a shit early game by being passive/not abusing their advantages/overreaching; good main on a scaling champ may come out of his early game in the lead which accelerates his scaling. Mark NSFW… Karthus being able to scale and get ahead spamming first strike is probably the lamest design across all jungle champs upvotes · comments r/Jungle_Mains You can build it on mid with liandrys/ ludens for a great 2 item power spike and scaling. Karthus jungle is strong too but his early game is really hard in every role. yeah, karthus could theoretically chain land all of his Qs but he's not supposed to be able to. Lots of midlaners scale really well included: Ryze, Azir, Cassio, Vel'Koz, Anivia, Brand, Veigar, Viktor, Karthus, Malzahar and dont forget the king of scaling, AP Varus as well as Yasuo and Yone as you already mentioned, dunno if Vladimir is considered top or mid but either way he scales really well. Karthus is immobile, late-game scaling, benefits from teamfights, and can contest objectives. Karthus does have a very strong clear strength (his first can he a tad rough) but yes the goal of Karthus is to farm well and once youre comfortable enough with the Q you can start to take 1v1 with the enemy jg. Karthus is a time bomb, and every kill he gets pushes the timer forward a minute. Stats arent even completely dead because electro, DH, and aery all have ad scaling The games of Karthus support I've played are very similar to playing Xerath or Vel'Koz. Reply reply _Hermes_Trismegistus Hello everyone and welcome to our weekly match up today we're looking at Karthus - the Deathsinger. Pure numbers don't matter. Although Brand can be overwhelming in teamfights and Karthus has a very useful ult, neither are as scary full build as a full build AP Xerath. Obviously u can spam Q's in lane or u will run out of mana quickly but with the AD variation of Karthus all your damage is coming from your autos, so you are free to trade in lane like a regular ADC. It scales off the pyro flame's spell buff stat, which itself scales mainly off INT/FTH and partially off flame upgrade level. At full build he does 1k damage to 5 people in the middle of a teamfight ? Who else scales like… If you're playing first strike (scaling), you play to heavily minmax your clearing sequence, prioritizing putting enemy raptors on a timer so that you can use your clear speed to gain a huge advantage, prioritizing your farming sequence over ganking (unless it's super free). Spellvamp quints are actually good on Karthus because when his Q hits a single target and does the bonus damage it's counted as a single target spell so it fully procs spellvamp (and the Rylai single target slow). 2AP and two uses of Annie Q is 440+1. This is an old "common knowledge" stereotype from years and years ago when he was the strongest scaling non-adc. Because he gets bonus scaling on stolen abilities. Join the Discord! https://discord. Imo there aint many left that are viable at least. Introduction: Karthus is a hyper-scaling battle mage who is known for his devastating AOE and single target damage, his death-defying passive along with his iconic ultimate to finish off opponents near and far. People will give you all reasons why not and how Karthus out scales soraka, but actually his first 2 ults have such an stupid long cooldown and many times you will be able to block them. Which is why you see him sky rocket to 60% winrate among the 50-100 games played mark. Another example of low elo games is that there are so many players don’t know how to dodge Karthus’s Q and E. Karthus has the ability to deal massive damage in team fights with his ultimate, Requiem, which can affect the entire map. These all help you scale into the late game and shorten the cooldown on your ult which is your main form of assistance. Generally, scaling junglers are heavy farmer junglers too, meanwhile early junglers are heavy gankers. Karthus does scale but realistically he needs strong spikes early before people start getting things like zhonya’s or maw. Some champs scale infinitely, some champs have really high level scaling or AP/AD ratios, and some simply work better in the team dynamic of Lategame. He can't gank for shit, the enemy jungler can usually just run him down whenever they meet and even his iconic ult does pretty poor dmg before level 11 (obviously still useful). His WR is giga inflated tho, he’s played like once every hundred games and only by Karthus players Kayle, Karthus, season 10 kassadin. He basically needs items and solo EXP to do meaningful damage and get his ult CD down. And you scale. I've played around 100 Arena games, and also hit the Gladiator rank (using probably 75% Karthus). as someone who played karthus/fiddle, yes it happens to get some kill pre6 in gank, but if your opponent are not monkey that perma push the t1 starting at 2 min , it's rather rare (looking at you , toplaner main) . It's disgusting how a champion such as Karthus is allowed to exist with his current Karthus by far feels much more disgusting, although Seraphine’s utility is always useful even while behind. 9% better winrate than with traditional q max Ziggs: 1. mid/lategame is when your ult starts hitting I don't think he's a bad champion, high-elo Koreans love Karthus. You are a powerfarming, scaling jungler. Sylas builds lesser AP items like Runic Echoes, Protobelt or Lich Bane where Karthus builds the highest AP items in the game. You don't even have to survive the fights either, dying in a good spot with your passive up lets you freefire Qs into the enemy team for a LONG time. I´m playing this game since S9 and I have over 1,5 milion points on Karthus across all accounts. I see plenty of people go ludens into oblivion and sorcs, is scaling that bad? Or is this just a high elo efficiency due to the general speed games can be closed out? I think karthus is the best scaling mage in the game. Champs like karthus and lillia are way stronger because its hard to stop them scaling, even when they fall behind. With base INT/FTH it is very slightly stronger than charcoal pine resin. +1 to this question. Gathering storm rune can help facilitate his scaling as well. Karthus ult in lategame will do 2000 damage to every enemy. The below post describes a few insights on Cull Karthus and what problems it tackles. Annie only needs 275. also to note that the poor 1V1 is a problem even later on, because a good jihad karthus u/JesterOfKings5 nice. I wish stuff like Chogath and Ornn etc were good but they just arent at the moment. I feel like Ekko and Graves can turn into late game monsters as well. I get the skepticism so I checked lolalytics and he does indeed scale (41% at 15-20 min and 54% at 35-40 min) but has low wr at 40+ min (either because of low sample size, everyone has bought qss, or he gets one shot by ranged before he can get close). Overall the top 5 are pretty difficult to choose since there are things like range, burst vs dps and stacking with Veigar you can't perfectly calculate. His wall slow is his only form of utility and it also requires levels to maximize the wall length and slow duration which is suboptimal. I was interested in trying out some more junglers that scale for AP and/or are based around their abilities. The worst way to play karthus is getting in your own head about hitting your skittles. You're gonna want some flat or scaling AP in your rune page for this, armor vs AD teams and HP vs AP teams. Posted by u/Captain_Grimjoy - 6 votes and 26 comments Thought about getting Karthus for his R ability (because it looks like a lot of fun). Champs like Ziggs, Vel'koz, Kog'Maw and Xerath are artillery mages, which scale extremely well against short ranged comps that aren't too tanky, which makes their pokes extremely annoying to play against. Karthus has a terrible time into those champs. Everytime I play karthus jungle I power-jungle farm. Ap/mr scaling blues, magic pen reds, AP/Spellvamp Quints. Old mundo was a beast late game in the jungle but he doesnt scale like he used to. Also the fact that Nautilus hook also drags in enemy while he dashes, bringing the enemy closer to Karthus for him to also engage quicker. Once again scaling is all relative though. Four seconds of Karthus Q is 480+1. I don't think that accurately describes karthus. Longsword is fucking A-tier weapon, and probably the best overall weapon for Chaos/Dark considering the requisite stats and weight. I have been a Karthus main for 8 years getting either Diamond or Plat every season since S3. 10K subscribers in the karthusmains community. Kog lulu, Twitch lulu. Later in the game Karthus will deal to much dmg, but this means really late or really fed. GG's best data for every build. Kayn, Karthus, Fidds and Yi seem like shoe ins. You can see how Karthus Q has higher base damage but significantly lower scaling. For runes: Hp/armor scaling yellows. Anyway, the reason why I mention it is because the team comp affects top karthus. It's all about the ratio of the scaling to the base. You'll find that Karthus mid falls into the same pit as Zilean. Typically I don't like to pick Karthus into teams with too many assassins (KhaZix, Shaco, Kat), and for that reason, I usually just pick Karthus when I have 3rd,4th, or 5th pick, since he's easy to counter pick. There's some videos about Karthus on the jg where you can see some play stile. Your runes on karthus should almost never change give or take a bit. He outranges almost everyone bar maybe Ziggs, his Q alone will chunk down any non-tank for about half health and it's on like a 2-4s cooldown. cass and ryze are definitely not in the same tier as karthus and vlad. Really fun stuff there to play against. I cant say to much 'cause im new in the jungle but i learn some theory. You all see in a proplay game how can Karthus scale for free with ONE PRIORITY LANE (Nocturne vs Syndra). What are your reccomendations? By scaling, I don't mean having the best theoretical scaling (example, Thresh with infinite scaling gets infinite armor and AP). Ok Karthus is one of my favorite champion, so I will help you. If it's a champ that likes to invade I always save a ward for the second side of my jungle. Great examples are Rengar, BelVeth, and Kindred. It might turn out to be completely pointless, but fuck it, do it in a preseason and call it a day. You may say "Elosanta this build has terrible scaling how is it good". I’m personally getting the vibe that he is like Darius with a decently strong early that can be abused, is at peak strength during mid game, and starts to fall off late do to natural reasons such as being kit-able but still scales ok One of the biggest Karthus' weaknesses is his mana issues. is not tolerated. He only has a slow, while most meta junglers have hard cc and/or a dash. Most of them underestimate your damage. Karthus, Evelynn, Lillia, Master Yi, Gwen, Sion, Tryndamere (if you can make it work), Kindred, Jax (off-meta) all come to mind as the hardest scalers. Edit: a lot of you are talking about random chance, but I never said it should be random. If they're melee you can kite them out pretty well. You can win almost any matchup so, try to hit a few Q's on the enemy and go all win. LeBlanc causes too much damage on Karthus since he is very squishy and her mobility with W make very hard to hit Qs on her. He should get an anivia treatment at this point imo. 40,000 games should be enough for decent play stats. anything related to Kassadin. Karthus is just decently strong early, his power is gated by mana qhich if you have a blue buff you shouldnt have a problem with, and the fact that his Qs are hard to Karthus casts 5 Qs, and gets 5x0. Used to play him Mid every game, but the 1-2 years I've been maining jungle Karthus. With stacked seraphs, manaflow, eyeball collection and gathering storm you get more than 300 ap with 2 items. Like he's Lux support, but worse. Other teamfighting scaling from top, maybe kayle, but she is very very easy to punish in lane. Discuss anything relating to the League Of Legends character Karthus. I was getting 98 AR with 10/10 int/faith shit seems op af (acter buffing my sword). [TL;DR at the ending] When players talk about the best possible runes for Karthus, the answers usually differ a lot. This is why an item like cull, which is designed to be sold just after the 10 minute mark or so, is a prospective item for early-game karthus. Jun 18, 2024 ยท Based on the data, the best scaling champion in League of Legends on reddit is Karthus. If karthus dies 24/7 he still has good cs and 100% got a few kills after he died w his ult / other abilities. Hence the low cooldowns of Karthus means that the total AP scaling on his Q spell that he receives during this 5 second engage is more than double that of Kassadin. He’s also pretty impossible to int with due to death passive. 2/3 mythics that work on him give no mana and one that does gives no hp, his w is kinda garbo, he is very immobile and very squishy atm. A jungle karthus (even with some of the new AP jungle friendly items) simply won't have that gold amount. Karthus has pretty much always been on the stronger side and he's especially good now, so I would expect someone picking and piloting him well to have a winrate comfortably at >60%. Karthus: 1. Mark NSFW posts, no harassment, NO Soraka players. man, karthus is a god at lvl 1 with exhaust spell. Karthus is also a very gold-scaling AP. Any champs I need to consider? Thoughts on: Skarner Shyvanna Dr. If I play Volibear his Thudnerclaws have 30% ap scaling PER AUTO which is insane. A lot of karthus’s value is farming so fast and getting gold from free ult kills so he has 3 items while everyone else is sitting on 2 and can’t afford defensive itemization yet Hi guys, this is Arthyon, OTP Karthus for 2 years, D4 and scaling, I want to introduce my strategy for Karthus mid, think on this Karthus is already dead since he was desinged, so Karthus needs to be dead in team fights, the flash is not needed, A Karthus mid receive a lot of ganks for the only reason of being Karthus, that is Painful so Business, Economics, and Finance. Just know when to avoid top crab (when your mid/top can't rotate and/or you are weaker in 1v1) and just reset and go for botcrab instead then do the whole full clear again and again and again and again and invade a little if you're bored and press R congrats you are now 50cs above your The most popular way to build Karthus, since it's very safe, is to start off your build with a Rod of Ages. karthus is a strong champion when theres less ap on our team (mostly same with other mages that go mid lane) and his prime is between 20 - 30 mins of gameplays which means the value of karthus becomes weaker comparatively than the other top champions (tanks I have a 65% win-rate with Karthus at Gold 3, but I played only 20 games as him in the soloq this season, mostly because yes, he is weak. Jungle karthus can outduel nearly every jungler this is kinda an unfair assumption. Just because she snowballs doesn't mean she doesn't scale, by design she is a scaling champ as she gets stronger the longer the game goes, her interaction with objectives makes her very good at snowballing plus she is a duelist so she can easily increase her lead once she gets one, meaning she can be in the enemy jungle and deny them resources, acquiring more kills and gold. They can comeback easy, while yi will have a hard time. 5 seconds of extra e damage which is a lot late game, followed by your passive. Karthus' main obstacle is that he is just slow, I'm pretty sure he has the lowest movement speed of any chanp, but I'd need to fact check that. Karthus, a champ with late game scaling mage with idendity tied to him dying in teamfights utilizing his massive AoE damage output and killing everyone by pressing R constantly. anyway, karthus scales a lot with levels, which may be a problem with the sharing experience thing. In jungle it is more dangerous, because you have no tower and random lee sin's can suprise you there. A subreddit for all Kassadin mains from League of Legends. It doesnt matter how bad he does in lane or jungling he can have 0 presence and just steal baron or dragon right under the enemy teams nose. Kha is an honorable mention, considering good resets means you can wipe a team fight. It's so easy to stack it and abuse it as Karthus. And low elo doesn't invade properly. Mundo Some scale very differently than others, like Panth have shit mid game, but good super super super late game. 45 votes, 12 comments. Totally not worth taking a rune just to confirm kills bc it doesn’t scale into late game. This put Karthus as a top tier jungler, able to do his first clear in four minutes with 90% health, and then at level 6 he starts getting kills all over the map. Karthus is one of the hardest scaling champs in the game, if ffing at 15 is your style I suggest someone else. Karthus doesn’t really become much of a threat until liandries or ludens at lvl 9ish, and his ult really isn’t scary until 2-3 items at lvl 11. I'm a Karthus mid/adc one trick and recently all Karthus jungle mains stated it's not that good as before after Riot adjusted Smite damage per level and level scaling, you can use it but it's not that good as before. So Riot nerfs things about him, like his ultimate damage and cooldown, which weakens lane Karthus and puts jungle karthus as pretty much okay. No offense but I wouldn't call 55% winrate across from 22 games good. For mid first of all kassadin,by far best scaling mid but also relativly easy to abuse. LoL Patch 15. You play something that can't gap close onto her and there goes her weak laning phase. The highest win rate Karthus build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Jungle. From what i could tell the scaling was better just putting points into one magic stat rather than an even split of int and fth. So if you start with red on your botside as you get to your topside drop a defensive ward. So thats where assassins generally excel and can get around his little wall easily. He's known for his late game, when he has a near full build. Other major counters to Karthus are enchanters, namely Soraka and Karma, especially the latter, Karma mantra E totally blue balls Karthus its extremely frustrating. Brand and Karthus have notoriously bad scaling. Mini game: Anivia, Azir, Heimerdinger, Illaoi, Karthus (all require weird play around or gimmicks, like Karthus landing Q, or pets. Bring exhaust and just let your qs fucking rip. Personally I like rushing Rod of Ages everytime and farm around the map like a mad man and looking out for easy ult kills. Sylas is stupid op basically manaless, high scaling, bruiser mage, ulti is super OP and can be utilized better than like every other char. His early ganks aren’t the best, but his clear speed is great, and he starts feeling more and more powerful as the game goes on. And his winrate stats prove it. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. it is what it is. Yeah, Vlad especially but Karthus as well are much more 1v5 oriented. Crypto From my experience the hardest scaling champions I’ve mained are - Kindred (current main and newest addition 26k mastery) close to ekko in scaling but much different style - Ekko (previous main 140k+ mastery I think ) absolutely insane scaling, literally obliterate any other champion even 40+ min in with his burst. Yes you can clear the entire jungle before crab spawns. The difference in scaling between a non-isolated Q and isolated Q is (50/70/90/110/130 + 30% AP ratio) for non-isolated Q. It's one of the strongest ultimates in the entire game, no one is denying it. Other strong scaling champs are cassio, azir and ryze but keep in mind they all are immensely hard to properly execute, with cassio beeing the easiest of the 3 for In our discord i said that im goong to be building this item simply for the passive, its way too strong on karthus even if you dont play like an ult bot. Rylais. Doing this gives the same DPS as when Karthus is standing still and spamming both abilities. . karthus for example has fucked up levels of DPS with single target Q. I mean having the best practical scaling, within a super late game time frame (40+ min), when almost all teams are full build. If Karthus isn't winning a game by the 20 minute mark, it only gets harder from there. Go Domination with Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. It's extremely cost efficient and worth it if you can afford skipping zhonyas / banshee's. That said, over the last 30 days Karthus bot has 40,000 games played as bot lane APC in plat+, with a 56% winrate. In other words, if he hits one target, he deals more damage. Strong scaling DPS mages are Azir, Ryze and Vlad. When considering balance, you can't simply look at a single spell. Sion, Teemo and Nasus scale good and dip in and out of viable. If I play Shyvana into Sylas he 1 shots me with his Dragon Form. My question is: is it possible to scale Karthus's ult such that it deals a significant amount of damage? Whenever I get hit by Karthus's ult it only seems to do 300 damage at best, which doesn't look like a lot of fun. The way his Q gets stronger with Mpen and CDR is extremely similar to how an ADC scales with crit and attack speed. Good scaling and utility means you won’t have to worry as much about your teammates going only assassins and ADCs. 3 = a total of 150% AP scaling Kassadin casts a single Q and gets 70% AP scaling. I'm a fan of scaling items on Karthus. i have been pinged so many times because my team wants the level 6 karthus with a lost chapter to ult to kill someone who wont even die. Karthus' R ISNT balanced, but Karthus is. I really like mage-like playstyle of Karthus, Amumu's sudden engage and Ivern's supportiveness. To complicate it a bit here are a few tips i find important to know: As Karthus your biggest strenght is your clear. Karthus is great because his passive pretty much guarantees his ult and his other abilities would at least be cast during a situation where other champions would just die. But this idea that hes supposed to be this weak scaling teamfight champion is fucking bullshit. Player execution is frequently more important than the theoretically scaling of both compositions facing each other. He is still a solid pick with good matchups, but mage items aren't that good on top of meta being only about botlane and karthus isn't really known to be good at roaming, so he loses a lot of value, especially early game since karthus does have extremly strong early levels but The worst matchup I have came across as Karthus mid is against LeBlanc. When you look at straight damage, i would go: Stacked Veigar Karthus/Cassio (pretty even in my opinion) Karthus/Cassio Azir Anivia Karthus is only in the spotlight for possible nerfs because of his ability to Jungle. It's not that you can't play him there and snowball the botlane, in fact his passive makes it easier to at least trade kills and get gold even in a bad situation. vladimir has absolutely bonkers burst if he catches you in his burst window (empowered Q Basically I farm and focus on scaling, take tp so that ill be there every team fight because karthus is a battlemage, and be patient with your ult, dont use it just to deal damage this skill is broken but has a great cooldown, use it when you can get 2 or more kills by only pressing R and i gess thats it, for runes you can go dark harvest our Actully thats completely wrong , first of all u can climb with any champion if your good enough and learn from your mistakes , though karthus cant really gank early as a lee sin or elise but he can still gank relatively why farming up and scaling , low elo games tend to take to long because players in this elo dont know how to close out games , giving karthus time to scale and and get his It also depends on your build; if you are going for ludens or archangels ( or 10% scaling cdr rune) , you can potentially opt for ravenous instead. Basically thats it, this is how you play Karthus if i really want ro simplify it. Karthus' shortcomings r just laughable in this season. He have one of the best scaling in the game He can kill objectif alone very fast, he have strong gank with the big slow mode He can invade you very ez bc he clear so fast and kill you in 1v1 cause of sums + lvl 4 + hight dmg for late champ It's insane how Karthus hasn't been nerfed yet. His R is almost Karthus' entire strength. People is still complaining about Kai'sa or Jhin while things like Gangplank or Karthus remain untouched. Close range bot meta favors Karthus, and he checks a lot of the boxes ADCs do with his consistent damage and insane scaling. Posted by u/Dilbaan - 2 votes and 9 comments Mainly because of two factors: He has persistent damage rather than straight up burst AND he is actually using 2 spells at the same time in order to do that damage (Q and E), so while other AP carries do their combo and then have to wait for a while before their next rotation, Karthus not only is dealing damage teh WHOLE time, but is also dealing AoE damage. That provides a really good opportunity to stack first strike. Now this is very idealistic, the odds of you slapping a yasuo with all 5 Qs is unlikely, even moreso for someone like Irelia or Fiora. Def viable, it's just a kind of gameplay loop that most players don't enjoy. Karthus always starts Blue buff. Karthus with U. Karthus mid used to be the norm a few years ago, while jungle was considered a troll pick for a long while. He scale quickly and have sustained dmg, you have to build as first item a catalyst an a GLP hextech 3000. Kayn requires you to be able to skirmish a bit more than nocturne or Karthus. For single target camps, maximum DPS kiting pattern is Q+Q+AA+Q+AA on repeat. The whole season 8 was great for Karthus. Karthus damage output if put into one word would be “bonkers”. The thing about karthus is that every time he goes 1 for 1 with somebody, he won the exchange. Maybe 6 games is not enoght to decide if a champ is good or not, but i share the frustuation to have in the same teams some low of mind people that doesnt have patience with scaling champs. Basically, Karthus feels better soloq and can hold his own wayyy better, but Seraphine isn’t bad either. Don't be rude and please read the rules, namely rule #1: "Any form of hate speech involving racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. I would rather stay against Fizz, Dianna or Kassain, since they're melee and I can at least have peace during laning phase. So counter play is MUCH harder for this scaling champion Hello, I'm a G3 Karthus jungle 1 trick (With a little Zac gameplay too). Of every champion listed in the post and in the poll, Orianna, Karthus, Veigar, Vladimir, Azir, and Cassiopeia all reach their winrate peaks past 30 minutes and stay high from there. (DH better here). His Q is low enough cost, has high enough damage, and has a very low cooldown. With the same items, Sylas. CC them. I am thinking of focusing on Lillia and Hecarim. It's the worst state karthus has been for midlane for past 3 years. You can also do feast or famine like Viego and Yi. I'm not a pro, but this was a game changer for me when I was starting to play karthus mid. Yeah we had no rune at the start, everyone was trying different things like Comet, Aery, Electrocute, so Riot decided to give us extra 15% R scaling. He definitely isn't broken by any means, and is actually a below average pick; but, if you're an OTP, you can make it work. Karthus with exhaust is capable of dueling even Kha'zix. You can kill a karthus bot lane 10 times over. You should always clear your camps when they respawn. you can't gank your lane efficiently in the early game. It is worth nothing that scaling junglers are generally off-meta, because the game demands early pressure (drakes, tower plates, herald) and the nature of the jungle role is early game (low income, map tempo). I wouldn't say tank karthus wouldn't work, but his main strength is his scaling and his ult. I don’t play karthus and I’ve heard that he doesn’t really scale well and that he’s a late game god. Because they are boring to the majority, they are rarely seem, but both are strong champions. This makes his game-to-game performance a lot more consistent than other champions. 6AP. He is super easy to counter and a very difficult champion to play consistently well. i think he can actually be good at botlane, specially as a counterpick to bruisers/not marksman bot lane with an engage support enabling him to hit some qs easily. That just means you went 12W-10L. What makes karthus and vlad so insane lategame is you can't outplay them without extreme difficulty, karthus WILL do 50% of your teams hp at least, vlad is likely going to do teamfight winning levels of damage. Mid karth over the same period/elos has 45k games played with a 53% win rate. Then jg took off and got the recognition it deserved, it went from obscure to meta very quick thanks to some new runes and items (I believe it was Dark Harvest and some old Liandry adjustments). igwa ahklo qrawmpb webv mkzibd svgn mlnmb wznduj jkhswzy kygbko