Metacentric height experiment results pdf Français Español Deutsch Español Deutsch Jun 25, 2020 · For the metacentric height GM, the result show that when the height of adjust weight is at 100mm the metacentric height is 0. The first method used is known as the adjustable position traversed mass method, and the other one is known as geometry and depth of immersion method. The metacentric height is very important concept in designing of ships, boats etc. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory EXPERIMENT NO. V OB = 0. Nov 1, 2018 · Metacentric height is a parameter to measure the static stability of a floating body, as it is defined as a distance between the center of gravity of a body and its metacenter. 4. before and after rotation. Due to the addition, removal or shift of weight on a ship: a. The pontoon was placed in water and a jockey weight adjusted to induce heel angles, recording the distances causing tilt. com PREPARED BY: DADASAHEB DASHRATH RANDIVE 1 M/S GOODWILL HYDRAULIC SERVICES Fluid Mechanics-I Lab Manual(CEC305) METACENTRIC HEIGHT AIM: To determine the %PDF-1. Abushaban. com This document provides the table of contents and introduction for an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating pontoon. ARCHIMEDES’ PRINCIPLE • • Archimedes’ Principle states that the buoyant force has a magnitude equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body and is directed vertically upward. Fluids Prac 2 - Free download as PDF File (. TABLE OF CONTENT No Subject Page 1. If the weight w 1 is shifted by a distance “ x ” across the vessel. To locate the position of the Metacentre (M) of a floating body, by determining its distance from the Centre of Gravity (G); this distance is known as the Metacentric Height (GM). B. 2 To investigate the factors affecting the stability of a floating body, and to determine the metacentric height and hence the position of the metacenter for the model barge Experiment No. out. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/XObject >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595. M/S GOODWILL HYDRAULIC SERVICES Fluid Mechanics-I Lab Manual(CEC305) Fig: Metacentric height principle Fig: Metacentric height setup Address - 5/6, VISHWANAGARI HOMES, MALANGAD ROAD KALYAN EAST, VASAR, PIN- 421306 randivedadasaheb@gmail. Key terms assessed Nov 14, 2021 · 6 III. W c = weight of the vessel W 1 = weight of unbalanced mass After each reading the oil should be completely drained out of receiving flask. 1 updated 10/17/2002-1- 2002, aht Experiment No. 3 Learning Mar 1, 2022 · Theoretical values of the righting moment for a vehicle with metacentric height equal to 3. To make sense of principle of buoyancy force and metacentric height of a flat bottomed vessel. 11’ in the Qiongzhou Strait is predicted using the improved RBF neural network. 1 5 7 0. xls / . The experiment uses an adjustable weight to shift G and measure the angle of tilt, allowing calculation of the metacentric height (GM). It involves measuring the distance between the object's center of gravity and its metacenter, which is the point where the object becomes stable. If the metacentre, M, lies below the centre of gravity, G, then the body is unstable. Various masses were adjusted vertically and angles of tilt were measured. For each new position of G, repeat the above test and determine the Metacentric Height. This document describes a lab experiment to study the metacentric height apparatus. 0LEARNING OUTCOMES Demonstrate the ability to conduct experiments related to fluid flow by following standard Objective: To calculate the metacentric height of floating body. ) Air pump xs yield the following for the metacentric height zm z m = x s cot α Metacentre M V e r t i c a l c e n t r e o f g r a v i t y p o s i t i o n z s Measured values Stability gradient d xs d α 0 Fig. 1 50 7 0. . doc from FMC 2601 at University of South Africa. Calculations &amp; Graph 20%. Experiment No. According to the results of the experiment, the stability of the floating body is determined by the value of the metacentric height. 2. where, GM = metacentric height in mm, w is the mass of the slider Determination of Metacentric Height A known weight W1 is shifted by a distance Z across the axis of tilt. 1 consists of a pontoon (1) and a water tank as float vessel. 8 [cm] and 7. Alat ini terdiri dari ponton persegi panjang yang dapat dimiringkan dan dipindahkan beratnya untuk mengubah sudut kemiringan. Nov 5, 2021 · View LAB REPORT W3 METACENTRIC HEIGHT. Experiment 2hydraulics Lab - Free download as PDF File (. It defines key terms like metacentric height, center of buoyancy, and center of gravity. It explores the factors that affect metacentric height and its real-world applications. The experiment involves measuring the angle of tilt caused by applying known weights at increasing distances from the ship This experiment aims to determine the metacentric height of a ship model, which is a measure of its stability. 1% of the traditional FrFT-based method’s processing time. Subsequently, a self-organizing state space modeling hydraulics laboratory ecw open-ended lab semester iii title of experiment : metacentric height. No. 025 and its increase due to the increase of height of adjust weight to 160,220,280, and 340 and the metacentric height was 0. Objective: To calculate the metacentric height of floating body. State the purpose and explain the process of an inclining experiment, including the derivation of relevant equations, figures, and diagrams. G) must be equal to the buoyancy force which acts through the centre of buoyancy. #3 Metacentric height of floating bodies Prepared by: Afzal Husain Khan Email: amuafzal@gmail. Apparatus: The set up consists of a small water tank having transparent side walls in which a small ship model is floated, the weight of the model can be changed by adding or removing It has also been demonstrated that the metacentric height is related to capsizing probability. From these results, it can be confirmed that the proposed procedure can achieve the good estimation in which the estimated results are good agreement with the given one in model experiments and the derived one from stability manual corresponding to the ship condition in onboard experiments. It lists the laboratory title as determining metacentric height. Observations are recorded for different applied weights and distances from the center to find the meta-centric Experiment 2 To determine the Metacentric height of a floating body (i. 4 CONCLUSIONS. The center of buoyancy is located at the center of gravity of the fluid displaced by the vessel, while the metacenter is always located above the center of gravity of the floating body. The metacentric height can be obtained by equating righting couple and applied moment where, Wc is the weight of vessel, Wm the weight of unbalanced mass causing moment on the See full list on scetcivil. In many European countries, normal heights referred to the quasi-geoid as introduced by Molodenskij in the mid-20th century are preferred to the classical height system that consists of orthometric heights and the geoid as a reference surface for these heights. 5 Figure 2 - Amplitude Extinction Curves. is called the metacentric height (GM). In this, position of metacentre (M) remains higher than 4. date of experiment : 26th october 2020. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate The metacentric height varies with the angle of heel as 2006. Instructions are given for setting up the apparatus, conducting trials at different weight positions, and analyzing the results compared to theoretical calculations based on the pontoon's geometry. A higher metacentric height provides more stability. 2 Objective 3 1. 4 Metacentric height. Yasir Hameed the different results between computation simulation and the fact. pdf from MECHANICAL MEE1004 at Vellore Institute of Technology. 066. The change in moment due to this tilt is equal to (Wc + W1) GM tanθ. 3 To Determine the Metacentric Height of a Floating Body Name of the This document describes an apparatus called the H2 MkII that is used to determine the stability of a floating pontoon by measuring its metacentric height. Height of G above water surface CG (mm) (ii) 𝑑 1 𝑑𝜃 (mm/º) (iii) Metacentric height GM(mm) (iii) Height of M above water surface CM(mm) (v) Table 2 Derivation of Metacentric Height from experimental results The values of 𝑑𝑥1 𝑑𝜃 can now be plotted against CG the height of G above the water line. Fayyad. 0 OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study are to determine the key parameters of a pontoon and to investigate its stability 2. Moving the weight, \(T\) a distance, \(d\) then the moment created is \[M_{weight} = Td\] This moment is balanced by \[M_{righting} = W_{total}\overline{GM_{new}}\theta\] Where, \(W_{total}\), is the total weight of the Mar 1, 2016 · The uncertainty compared to an assumed metacentric height of 0. 045 and 0. 3 To visualize the flow lines around wing profile submerged hydrodynamic model in a fluid current aerodynamic Experiment No. ppt from CIVIL ENGI 104 at U. 2) Weight was shifted in 100g increments from starboard to port and then from port to starboard, and the resulting heel angle and metacentric height were measured. In this experiment the stability of a pontoon may be determined with its centre of gravity at various heights. Experimental Procedure 5%. (CO2 – PO6) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA LABORATORY MANUAL THEORETICAL BACKGROUND. Metacentric height indicates a vessel's stability and affects its rolling period. A higher GM indicates greater stability, allowing a ship to withstand heavier seas. CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY UITM PAHANG, KAMPUS JENGKA BASIC HYDRAULICS ECW321 OPEN-ENDED LAB MARCH 2019 - JULY 2019 TITLE the metacentric height, GM and distance between the centre of buoyancy and the metacentre is calculated. RESULT: Metacentric height ‘GM’ = …………. The floating object is stable when the metacentric height 𝑧𝑚 is positive, i. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas benda terapung dengan menghitung ketinggian metasentriknya. 15 REFERENCES. Then students are required to plot a graph Metacentric Height, GM against the angle of heel, Hydraulics Lab (ECIV 3122) Islamic University - Gaza (IUG) Experiment (2): Metacentric height of floating bodies Introduction: The Stability of any vessel which is to float on water, such as a pontoon or ship, is of paramount importance. Assessing a ship's GM through an inclining experiment is The document contains 10 multiple choice questions about metacentric height and stability of floating bodies. 5 BUOYANCY and STABILITY OF FLOATING BODY 1. The experiment is conducted in two parts: Part 1 measures the floatation characteristics and determines the metacentric height for an unloaded pontoon and pontoon with added bottom loading of 2000g and 4000g. Move one 50g bilge weight to the mast head and once again determine. e. The GM is used to calculate the stability of a vessel. For that purpose, this article presents an experiment to establish the quantitative relationship between metacentric height and ship maneuverability using scaled model ship. 8 This article describes the effect of freeboard and metacentric height on the capsizing probability of four typical Japanese purse seiners, each with trapped water on deck in irregular beam seas. Table 1: Buoyancy Data ) and all figures must have brief captions underneath the figure (i. This document contains the results of an experiment that measured the angle and distance of a moveable mass from the center of rotation at increasing distances. To determine the metacentric height of the body under various condition of loading. 1. DISCUSSION For this lab experiment, two methods are used to calculate the metacentric height. Inclining Experiment. The apparatus consists of a rectangular ship model that can be tilted by sliding weights along a guide bar on its deck. The metacentric height also influences the natural period of rolling of a hull, with very large metacentric heights being associated with shorter periods of roll which are uncomfortable for passengers. In these laboratory activities students will be exposed to the equipment that used to measure the metacentric height of pontoon. The metacentric height must be higher than the centre of gravity for a stable balance. pdf from ECS 338 at University in Bandar Pusat Jengka. GM and it is used to calculate the stability of the ship. which is located at the centroid of the immersed cross-section. Results from a typical inclining experiment provide an example of the uncertainty for this measurement and illustrate the propagation of these errors when measuring the vessel's metacentric height Experiment 3: metacentric height - Free download as PDF File (. APPARATUS Metacentric Height Apparatus, Water Tank RELATED THEORY BUOYANCY It is the tendency of fluid to lift a submerged body. W M *¶ G %¶ B K ' T x Figure 1. Sep 19, 2021 · All tables must have titles above the table (i. The test is applied to newly constructed ships, to Geophysical Journal International, 2017. This document describes an experiment to determine the meta-centric height of a ship model. This document provides instructions for a laboratory experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating pontoon using two methods. It has a direct relationship with the stability of the body. docx from WR 13200 at University of Notre Dame. • The body can tilt to some maximum The distance between metacenter (M) and the center of gravity (G) of the floating body is known as metacentric height (GM). LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UU NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form Sep 30, 2011 · In ship design the choice of the Metacentric height is a compromise between stability and the amount that the ship rolls. Figure 1: Graph of Theoretical and Experimental Metacentric Height as a Function the Traversing Mass ). Whether the equilibrium is stable ,neutral or unstable is determined by the height of its centre of gravity . 7. 5. At the Control Laboratory of the Electrical Engineering Department of Delft University of Technology much research has been carried out during the last 15 years in the field of ship control systems. xlsx), PDF File (. The data collected showed that as the angle of If the metacentric height is large, then the vessel is considered to be “stiff” in roll – indicating that there will be a large righting moment as a result of small roll angles. 3 The assessment of metacentric height 3. Dec 17, 2021 · Submittal Date: 02/11/21 Abdur Rahman Hirok Course: Hydraulics 1 D21125097 Year 3 Sem 1 Metacentric Height & Stability: Lab 2 Page | 6 Discussion/Conclusion: The experiment demonstrates how the stability of the floating body is affected by the changing height of centre of gravity and how to experimentally determine the metacentric height by moving the centre of gravity across the body of the Peralatan Metacentric Height dirancang untuk menentukan ketinggian metasentrik dari benda terapung dan variasinya dengan sudut kemiringan. Measurements are taken of the tilting angle for different applied weights. Objectives: To demonstrate the effects of loading conditions on a flat bottomed vessel. Metacentric height indicates the stability of a floating object. 5 Theoretical determination of metacentric height 0 / 1 0 HM150. 8 [cm] and 5. docx), PDF File (. The centre of gravity G is below the centroid B of the body. version 1. Relation between centre of gravity and metacentre in different three types of equilibrium: (a) Stable equilibrium. o is Yj' The height of the jockey weight above When the pontoon was suspended as shown in Fig 5. Apparatus Metacentric height instrument, measuring scale etc. Suggested positions are the maximum height and then a location midway between maximum height and the position used in the first test. This document provides instructions for a laboratory experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body. This allows calculation of the stability gradient and comparison to theoretical 1. The questions test understanding of how metacentric height is affected by density, immersion and angular displacement of floating bodies. The position of the metacentre is not governed by the position of the centre of gravity. Accuracy A larger metacentric height implies greater initial stability against overturning. It is also an experimental verification of the theory presented in the textbook. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. In British Dreadnaught Battle ships, for instanace, the metacentric height was so great that they had a tendency to roll badly, even with large bilge keels. Mar 1, 2016 · Then, the metacentric height GM ¯ is obtained according to, (1) GM ¯ = wd ρ ∇ tan θ where w is the mass of the weight moved, d is the distance the weight is moved, ρ is the water density, ∇ the displaced volume of the ship and θ is the induced heel-angle. The experiment aims to study how the metacentric height and position of the metacenter change EXPERIMENT TITLE Determination of Metacentric height. Eng. May 2, 2020 · Results from a typical inclining experiment provide an example of the uncertainty for this measurement and illustrate the propagation of these errors when measuring the vessel's metacentric height The metacentric height can be measured by finding the change in the angle when a weight is moved on the floating body. The apparatus allows students to find the metacentre and calculate the metacentric height of a pontoon by observing how its angle of tilt changes when weights are placed at different heights on a sail attached to the pontoon. Oct 14, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: EXPERIMENT - 5 AIM : To determine the metacentric height of a given vessel under Loaded condition. Apply a weight of 300gm on a height of 190 mm from the pontoon surface. Keywords: Oct 21, 2021 · Metacentric Height Lab Report #4 Team # 3: Higinio Hernandez, Omar Hadeed, and Sofia Eusse. a model of ship) and to locate the position f center of Buoyancy, Matacenter and Center of Gravity. pdf), Text File (. group : ec220 3a6 (b) Accessory to determine the metacentric height (FME11) Accessory for studying Archimedes´ principle Accessory for studying the hydrostatic pressure (FME08) (14) Fluid level gauge calibrator (16) Set of weights (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 400, 1000, 2000, 5000 gr. Keywords: Ship maneuverability, metacentric height, ship model, heeling angle, turning circle. (2) Where: BM I V - BM is the metacentric 1 LW 3 12 radius , - I V: Total volume of displaced liquid. 3) By plotting the metacentric height against the transverse shift in weight EN400 consists of 9 laboratory experiments ranging from computer labs to model boat towingin the hydrodynamics laboratory (hydro lab). Conclusion – Interpretation of Results 10%. CONCLUSIONS This experiment allows us to conclude that the metacentric height is determinant of whether a floating body is in a stable or unstable equilibrium. The metacentric height can be obtained by equating righting couple and applied moment. The experiment measures the angle of heel as the pontoon's center of gravity is adjusted. Metacentric height is the distance between the center of gravity and the metacenter, which is the point about which a floating body oscillates when given a small angular displacement. 1 Feb 18, 2018 · English. This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body. This experiment aims to determine the metacentric height and radius of gyration of a floating body. By analyzing these data, the 7 Total Mass of floating assembly ( W ) Adjustable mass ( Wy ) Jockey mass (ω) Breadth of pontoon ( D ) Length of pontoon ( L ) Density (ρ) Second moment of area ( I =LD³/ 12 ) Volume of water displaced ( V=W/ρ ) Height of metacenter above center of buoyancy ( BM= I/V ) Depth of immersion of pontoon (2yb ) = (V/LD) Depth of center of WEEK 3 - METACENTRIC HEIGHT - Free download as PDF File (. Experiments were conducted to determine parameters of a pontoon model like its weight, dimensions, and metacentric height by measuring angular displacement as a sliding mass Nov 15, 2024 · In Section 5, the metacentric height of the selected Ro-ro passenger ship ‘Zijing No. NUMBER OF PAGES 16. 2 841. The experiment uses an apparatus consisting of a pontoon with a mast and sliding weight to vary the center of gravity. Fedaa M. Metacentric height: The distance between the centre of gravity of a floating body and the metacentre, i. Maritime Simulation, 1985. Determination of Metacentric height of floating bodies TOTAL: 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The students will be able to measure flow in pipes and The students will be able to determine frictional losses The students will be able to develop characteristics of pumps i) Conduct and construct the metacentric height laboratory experiments. It outlines the objective to identify the position of the metacentre (M) relative to the centre of gravity (G). com +44 115 972 2611 sales@tecquipment. Designs 2022, 6, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 49 [32] . (kg) Applied Distance moment moved ‘d’ (wd) (cm/mtr) (kg. GM is a measure of FACULTY: ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY EDITION: LABORATORY: FLUID MECHANICS REVISION NO: EXPERIMENT: METACENTRIC HEIGHT EFFECTIVE DATE: 1/3/2014 AMENDMENT DATE: 1. mtr) Angle of Metacentric height(GM) heel wd = W w tanθ (‘θ0’ degrees) (mtr) Mean GM PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS FOR METACENTRIC HEIGHT: Models of boats or vessels are often made and tested before investments are made and building This experiment aimed to calculate the metacentric height of a floating body using a Metacentric Height Apparatus. 7 Figure 3 — Variation of Log Decrement with Initial Angle, G/W as a Parameter . 7 Jun 4, 2021 · Discussion and Conclusion In this lab, we measured angles using the F1-14 Metacentric Height Apparatus to measure the Metacentric Height (GM) of a pontoon of known dimensions and weight. A larger metacentric height implies greater initial stability against overturning. Using these values and the formula provided, the position of the metacenter and metacentric Inclining Experiment – Detailed desctiption The inclining experiment is a practical method to determine the initial vertical center of gravity (KG) of a vessel. The document discusses the stability of floating pontoons and how their metacentric height affects stability. 1 5 m ( 7 1 00%); super yacht 0. Repeat 100, 150 and 200g moved from the bilge weight to the mast head. The GM must be evaluated before a ship sails to ensure it meets the minimum requirement for its voyage. By measuring the angle of heel as a mass is moved laterally, the metacentric height (GM) can be determined. 8 [cm] for roll angles between 0 0 EXPERIMENT (2) BUOYANCY &amp; FLOTATION (METACENTRIC HEIGHT) 1 By: Eng. TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, long eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK tecquipment. Small weights are added to the floating body at different distances from its center, and the angles of tilt are measured. 4 Graphical determination of metacentre M zm S A α xs FG FA Fig. This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body and how it varies with tilt angle. 033 m ( 7 22. The shift in the center of buoyancy can be calculated based on the additional moments created by the change in submerged volume. The metacentric height is the distance between the center of gravity and the metacenter of a floating body, and is used to calculate its stability. It defines key terms like center of gravity, center of buoyancy, righting couple, and overturning couple. Motasem M. Experiment No 03 To determine Metacentric height of a ship model experimentally and compare the values with Nov 8, 2022 · Change in Displacement with Draught of a Rectangular Hull Form Variation of Metacentric Height with Draught Figure 11 indicates that the metacentric height reduces progressively as the vessel's Metacentric Height Laboratory - Free download as PDF File (. metacentric height. Metacentric height of a floating body can be found using the following formula: The metacentric height (GM) is a measurement of the initial static stability of a floating body. PRICE CODE 17. This is the final paper in a four-part series examining the fundamental question, “What does the word height really mean?” The creation of this series was motivated by the National Geodetic Survey’s (NGS) embarking on a height modernization program as a result of which NGS will publish measured ellipsoid heights and computed Helmert orthometric heights for vertical bench marks. Let the angle of tilt be θ. CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY UITM PAHANG, KAMPUS JENGKA WATER ENGINEERING LABORATORY ECW 341 OPEN-ENDED Nov 14, 2021 · 6 III. The metacentric height is The process for determining metacentric height has been studied, as well as its application to the stability of floating bodies. 3. 034,0. 3(b) and with the jockey weight placed in the uppennost slot of the sail, the following measurements were made: Height ofjockey weight above 0 Yj Corresponding height of G above 0 OG - 345 mm 92 mm This document outlines an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a ship model. Jan 16, 2021 · Empirical Formulae: A number of empirical formulae have been developed based on results of experiments made on different types of ship hull forms that help naval architects to approach to an expected value of metacentric height based on very basic dimensional parameters, like Length, breadth and Depth of the ship. CONCLUSION: The metacentric height (GM) is the distance between the centre of gravity of a floating vessel and its metacentre. • A floating body is STABLE if M is above G (GM > 0) and UNSTABLE if M is below G (GM < 0; overturning moment and capsize). FORCE OF BUOYANCY (FB) The document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating pontoon. pdf from ECW 341 at Universiti Teknologi Mara. distance GM is called meta-centric height . The laboratory procedure to find out the metacentric height of a floating body on water is briefly explained in this article. It covers concepts like calculating metacentric height for pontoons, cylinders and blocks of specific gravity floating in water. 92 This document describes an experiment to determine the stability of a floating pontoon by measuring its metacentric height (GM) at various center of gravity positions. Jan 14, 2021 · View Lab Manual 2. The results show that the metacentric height, and thus the Aug 22, 2021 · PDF | To provide a better understanding of a simple floating body. 9. Shift in G to G’ as weight W is displaced. Eq. This allows determining the metacentric height as the distance This study aimed to determine the metacentric height of a floating pontoon. Class: CWR3201LU04 (85674) Introduction: In this experiment the Metacentric Height Apparatus, will be used to understand principles of buoyancy and stability. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT. Tilt angle is measured on a scale. Hence, locate the position of the Metacentre M (=y+GM) from the base of the pontoon, using the results from all the tests. Metacentric height is calculated using Jan 31, 2022 · View metacentre. weebly. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified 19. The meta-centric height is then calculated using the measured values and known weights. E. Summary of Theory 10%. THEORY : The stability of a body such as ship which floats in the surface of liquid is of great importance . All readings and data from the experiment should be converted to appropriate units and tabulated accordingly. 3 - LEVEL 1_Determination of Metacentric Height. Experimental Data &amp; Observations 10%. For static equilibrium of the pontoon, the total weight, 𝑊, (which acts through the centre of gravity, 𝐺) must be equal to the buoyancy force which acts through the centre of buoyancy 𝐵, which is located at OBSERVATION TABLE: Adjustable weight (w) Sr. In these laboratory activities students will be exposed to the equipment that used to measure the metacentric height of 1. txt) or read online for free. 1 INTRODUCTION 1 . The theory behind the ability of this vessel to remain upright must be clearly understood at the design stage. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Experiment No. It involves intentionally heeling the vessel and measuring the resulting angle to calculate the metacentric height (GM), which is then used to find KG. Requirements The experiment is carried out when the ship is built completely or when major structural changes have been done. W. It Oct 12, 2021 · The metacentric height is the distance between the centre of gravity and metacentre of the ship i. 6 QCET SAHIWAL Fluid Mechanics-I Experiment # 02 To locate the position of metacenter and center of gravity of a floating body and determination of metacentric height Apparatus Used:- Take tank 2/3 full of water, floating vessel or pontoon fitted with a pointed Jan 13, 2023 · This article discusses the concept of metacentric height, including its experiment, theory, and results. Metacentric height is the distance between the centroid of the floating body and its metacenter, and affects its stability during rolling motions. As the center of gravity changed, the angle of heel recorded by the apparatus indicator also changed. The apparatus allows students to vary the position of the metacentre and produce stable and unstable equilibrium in a floating pontoon. 16 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - The Test Setup. The procedure involves measuring the pontoon dimensions, mass positions, and Fluid Mechanics-I Lab (MEEN 2217) Lab Report 09 Title: To determine the Metacentric Height Hamid Raza ME171039 26-2-2019 Page 1 of 10 Abstract The Objective of this experiment was to determine the metacentric height of a floating body. The change in momentum due to this shift is W1 Z. Graphs of displacement (X) versus list angle (θ), X versus FLUID MECHANICS LABORATORY REPORT To find the Metacentric height of the body and also find the distance between Buoyancy point and Metacentre and also prove it experimentally DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING HEAVY INDUSTRIES TAXILA EDUCATION CITY, UNIVERSITY Name Ahsan mehboob Registration No. Preparation: 6) Calculate the Metacentric height How does this height change between the two barges? Can you offer a guess as to why this is the case? Take time to sketch your experiments and answer your questions in your lab notebook during the lab period. This document provides instructions for using a metacentric height apparatus. 12 me 014 Section A Date Total Marks 10 Marks Obtained Supervised By Engr. This experiment aimed to determine the metacentric height and stability of a floating body. 1 Uncertainty Analysis of GM Since the location of the metacenter results from a physical experiment (a known Sep 12, 2016 · • A measure of stability is the metacentric height GM, the distance between G and the metacenter M – the intersection point of the lines of action of F. The apparatus consists of a rectangular pontoon with a vertical mast that can hold sliding masses to adjust the center of gravity. EXPERIMENT 2: METACENTRIC HEIGHT Objective. with the main emphasis on automatic steering of ships. other words the METACENTRIC HEIGHT, MG, is positive (MG = zM - zG > 0). This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a flat-bottomed vessel. The document also includes criteria for assessing laboratory reports with rubrics across 10 marks. the metacentre is located , above the centre of gravity; else it is unstable. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT Unclassified 20. Nov 10, 2014 · A metacentric height lab experiment is a scientific method used to determine the stability of a floating object. 1 RESULTS Total weight of floating assembly (W) Weight of adjustable mass (ω) Weight of sliding mass (ω1) Breadth of pontoon (B) Length of pontoon (L) Second moment of area (I) Volume of water displaced (V) Height of metacentre above 6. So, larger the metacentric height, more is the stability. Students will measure the pontoon's dimensions and center of gravity. 15 m is provided for four classes of ship: buoy tender 0. (CO1 – PO4) ii) Analyze and interpret the data based on obtained data. doc / . The distance the weights are moved and the angle of tilt are measured. com Introduction: The Stability of any vessel which is to float on water, such as a pontoon or ship, is of paramount importance. This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating pontoon. The experiment involves measuring the angle of heel and distance moved by added weights on the model. GM = w x/W tanθ. 0%); supply ship incline experiment, stability test, metacentric height, pendulum, digital inclinometer 15. The metacentric height, MG, is given by Q Q G B zB zG QM zM GB V I or MG S = − MG MB GB = − Nov 12, 2021 · Students should be able to use the technical data from the experiment or using their own measurements. Key terms assessed Experimental Method of Finding Metacentric Height: Let us consider a floating vessel with a known weight of w 1 over it, at its center. The document discusses the theoretical determination of metacentric height for a floating body. Aim of the Practical 5%. 6. The document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height and position of a ship model at different angles of heel. Theory Metacentre is the point, where the line of buoyant force and the perpendicular passing through the centre of gravity intersect. 8. Hence, a sufficiently, but not excessively, high metacentric Lab Manual 2. 1 The inclining experiment The inclining experiment, also known as inclining test, is performed on a marine vessel to determine her stability atitude, empty ship weight, and the coordinates of her centre of gravity. In other words the metacentric height, MG, is negative (MG < 0). Metacentric Height Apparatus Manual - Free download as PDF File (. 15 ACKNOWLEDGMENT . com PE/db/BW 0422 Page 2 of 2 Metacentric height and stability Aug 3, 2017 · View Notes - Exp-3. Results &amp; Discussion of Data 10%. 5 ( LxW ) Fig (2): Metacentric Height 2. At small angles of heel, GM is equal to the initial slope of the righting arm (GZ) curve and is calculated using the relationship, GZ = GM sin (J. The equipment consists of a rectangular pontoon where the center of gravity can be adjusted horizontally and vertically. They will then record the angle of tilt as a traversed weight is moved left and right, and use this to calculate the metacentric height through two different methods. They are a vital element in understanding the course E. 1) The document presents the results of a damaged condition inclining experiment conducted on a flat bottom vessel to calculate its damage stability. EVALUATION SUMMARY: 1. Students will use two methods - adjusting the position of a traversed weight and using geometry and depth of immersion. Complete calculations associated with an inclining experiment. The metacentric height is a measure of the static stability of the floating bodies. 06 The metacentric height (GM) is a measurement of ship stability, calculated as the distance between the ship's center of gravity and its metacenter. In contrast, if the metacentric height is small then the ship rolls slowly due to a smaller righting arm. The metacentric height is given by . Experiment (2): Metacentric height of floating bodies Introduction: The Stability of any vessel which is to float on water, such as a pontoon or ship, is of paramount importance. Steps Involved: 1. The document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating cylinder and how it relates to the stability of floating bodies like ships. The height of G above rhe reference point o is OG. 028,0. Sketch of the Apparatus 10%. The apparatus simulated a floating body by manipulating horizontal and vertical sliding weights to change the center of gravity. Metacentric Height - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. The pontoon is allowed to tilt with added weight, and the angle of list and GM are calculated using equations relating displacement, weight distribution, and geometry. M . Optional half May 7, 2019 · View Metacentric Height. T Taxila. The Righting couple This document discusses the stability of floating bodies. 3 - LEVEL 0_Determination of Metacentric Height - Free download as Word Doc (. Be sure to answer the questions asked in the “data analysis” section of the lab instructions here. Metacentric height is a measure of static stability and is calculated using measurements of the angle of tilt, distance the model is displaced, and applied weights. It is designed to demonstrate the stability of a floating cylinder and to familiarize the student with the concept of buoyancy, metacenter, and metacentric height. 2 MODEL PARTICULARS. 2 TEST METHOD AND PROCEDURE . Experiment No. To measure it, a pontoon apparatus was weighed and its center of gravity located. It is calculated as the distance between the centre of gravity of a ship and its metacentre. This document describes an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body using a model ship in a water tank. FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA COURSE COURSE CODE LEVEL OF The experimental results show that the proposed fast refocusing approach can achieve the fastest speed, which is 2. 1 Introduction 2 1. It then provides the names and student IDs of the 5 students in the group, with one student identified as the group leader. Though the results obtained Jul 1, 2010 · The vertical distance between the center of gravity G and the metacentric point M is called the metacentric height GM. Using the method of exercise A, determine the metacentric height (using applied weights 40, 80 &amp;120g). First, the autoregressive modeling procedure is applied to estimate a natural frequency of the roll motion. Calculate a ship's vertical center of gravity from an Inclining Experiment. Determination of Metacentric height 13. The document 10. This section also includes a comparative analysis of the prediction results obtained using different algorithms and a discussion of the findings. Apparatus for Metacentric Height Laboratory Apr 18, 2018 · In this study, a novel procedure to estimate the metacentric height (GM) is proposed based on an autoregressive modeling procedure and a self-organizing state space modeling with respect to the onboard monitoring of roll data. 02 DETERMINATION OF THE METACENTRIC HEIGHT Aim To determine the metacentric height of a typical float. 2 Metacentric Height-The vertical distance between the center of gravity (G) and . The cause of the angle in the apparatus is due to the center of buoyancy shifting to the side where more water is being displaced, but the center of gravity (G Metacentric height: the measurement of the initial static stability of a floating body; calculated as the distance between the center of gravity of the ship and its metacenter A large metacentric height creates stability against overturning Metacenter: the point where the vertical through the This document provides details about a water engineering laboratory session held on October 17th, 2022. The experiment uses a water tank with a model boat that has a mast with a and the distance GM is called the metacentric height. The experiment involves placing a model ship in a water tank, adjusting weights to achieve equilibrium PRACTICAL: METACENTRIC HEIGHT. 4 School of Engineering Science Mechatronic Systems Engineering E N S C 2 8 3 : Buoyancy and Stability of a Floating Body Objectives • • • Determination of center of buoyancy Determination of metacentric height Investigation of stability of floating objects Apparatus The unit shown in Fig. If the equilibrium is stable, neutral or unstable is determined by the height of its gravity. Part 2 Sep 15, 2020 · View 324780530-Metacentric-Height-Lab-Report. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT Unclassified 18. CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY UITM PAHANG, KAMPUS JENGKA WATER ENGINEERING LABORATORY ECW 341 OPEN-ENDED xs yield the following for the metacentric height zm z m = x s cot α Metacentre M V e r t i c a l c e n t r e o f g r a v i t y p o s i t i o n z s Measured values Stability gradient d xs d α 0 Fig. The metacentric height is the distance between the center of gravity and the metacenter, with a higher metacentric height providing greater stability against overturning. When a symmetrical floating body heels at a small angle, the new waterline shifts the center of buoyancy. Metacentric height is the distance between a ship's metacenter (the point where the ship would start to tilt back upright) and its center of gravity, and is a measure of stability. ncann jqltd ltmx zgwbmbe vnc emqrtpym occb pyg yntsc xqzqcj